Sunday, 14 August 2022 21:27

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: How Terastal Pokemon Compare to Mega Evolutions

Written by Jeff Barnes
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Mega Evolutions were a game changer, and Pokemon Scarlet and Violet fans are currently waiting to see if Terastal can compare as a gimmick.

Fans of the Pokemon franchise remain vigilant as The Pokemon Company slowly but surely reveals more information about the upcoming generation. Thanks to the footage that was recently shown, it has been confirmed that Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will continue a now decade-long tradition of introducing a new battle gimmick. Indeed, ever since Pokemon X and Y, there has been a new, crucial gimmick in each subsequent generation. After Z Moves and Dynamax left the Pokemon scene as quickly as they joined it, Gen 9 will make room for Terastalizing, yet another new approach at customizing the battle capabilities of the titular pocket monsters.

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