Wednesday, 10 March 2021 21:54

Shocking Revelations and Luminary Entities from Persona 5's Star Arcana

Written by Hank Whitson
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The Star is a symbol of hope and prosperity in both Persona 5 and the tarot, but many of the personas in the arcana have surprisingly dark histories.

Persona 5 represents the Star major arcana with Hifumi Togo, who is straddling the line between rising Shogi star and burgeoning idol. While taciturn at first, Hifumi is given to dramatic outbursts while playing shogi, and is kind-hearted, with aspirations of inspiring those who follow her career. These qualities reflect some of the many virtues of the Star arcana, which signifies self-confidence, hope, altruism and other optimistic or benevolent values. As far as the roster of recruitable personas goes, Persona 5's Star hosts a number of powerful, multifaceted entities.

If the Tower is the worst major arcana in the tarot deck, the Star may be the best card, as it is almost uniformly positive and carries no obvious ill-omens. Just as Atlus managed to reverse the negative connotations associated with the Tower to characterize Shinya, Persona 5 creates a negative situation for Hifumi by reversing the virtues associated with the Star. While she would prefer to focus on Shogi (and have a private life of her own), her mother is intent on grooming her into a celebrity, going so far as to fix her matches. So one can deduce that the reversed values of the Star are associated with insecurity, despondence, and dishonesty. Hifumi wants to rebel, but lacks the self-confidence to pull it off until Joker and the Phantom Thieves step in.

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Given her intriguing story, tremendously useful confidant abilities, and demure nature, Hifumi is one of the most popular confidants in the game. The personas she represents generally excel at ice and wind attacks, and some of the lower-level entities have a weakness against fire, but the upper-tier Star personas are some of the strongest masks Joker can acquire.

Kaiwan, also known as Remphan, Chiun, was an ancient god of the heavens that was worshipped by the Israelites prior to the widespread adoption of monotheism. His period of worship was contemporaneous with Moloch, who is represented in the Hanged Man arcana. He also has strong associations with Saturn, as one potential etymology for his name suggests that he may stem from various pronunciation changes to the ancient Greek word for Saturn, associated with the titan Cronus. As such, Kaiwan was considered a creator figure by those who worshipped him, and a bringer of light.

Another potential etymology suggests that Kaiwan was one of the Egyptian names for the god Geb, who prevailed over earth, vegetation, and fertility. Geb's name was originally (or possibly intentionally) misread as "Seb" however, and there are scholars who suggest that Kaiwan's name was actually vocalized similarly to a slur. This change in pronunciation may have been an intentional political move to associate a once-popular god with something undesirable to ostracize his worshipers.

Interestingly, like Futaba's Necronomicon persona from the Hermit arcana, Kaiwan is represented in the Lovecraft mythos as one of the many names of the Unspeakable God, Hastur.

Another cryptic persona drawn from fiction rather than folklore, Hastur seems an odd choice for the Star persona as he is associated with horror, madness, and clawed tentacles that can suck the brains from its victims' skulls. Hastur enjoys a number of colorful sobriquets, including "The Feaster from Afar," "The King in Yellow," and "He Who Is Not To Be Named." The last of these is associated with the legend that chanting Hastur's name three successive times will ensure the speaker's untimely death. However, Hastur is associated with outer space and cosmic mystery, which may explain why Atlus choose to include a terrifying monster in an arcana associated with hope.

Even though Hastur is described as the half-brother of Cthulhu in the Lovecraft Mythos, he was originally conceived by the author, Ambrose Bierce. In Bierce's story "Hatia the Shepherd," a shepherd prays to the altar of Hastur, knowing nothing about the god's origin. Later, storms threaten to destroy the shepherd's home. In a rare twist of typical theological bargaining, the shepherd threatens to withhold worship from Hastur to blackmail the god into calming the storms.

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The author Robert Chambers later borrowed the name Hastur from Bierce when writing his story "The King in Yellow," which describes a fictional play by the same name. In the fictional play, a character known only as "the Stranger," who may or may not be Hastur, acts as an engine of madness, entropy, and forbidden knowledge for humans he comes into contact with. H.P. Lovecraft later invoked the name in his own mythos, which was in turn developed in detail by the author August Derleth. In this mythos, Hastur becomes the Great Old One that represents his otherworldly portrayal in Persona 5 Royal.

In terms of folklore, Lucifer scarcely needs an introduction. From Milton's portrayal of him as a sympathetic devil in Paradise Lost, to the popular procedural TV show that features him as a lead character, Lucifer is always a seductive, eloquent, and intriguing character. Since the name "Lucifer" is almost inescapably associated with connotations of evil, and often used synonymously with Satan, and the Devil, he may seem like another perplexing choice for the Star arcana.

The name Lucifer is often invoked to specifically refer to Lucifer as God's greatest angel in Christian theology prior to his rebellion and demonic fall. In this period, according to biblical apocrypha and gnostic texts, Lucifer was the greatest of the angels, associated with the light of the morning star, and the hope it represented. Similar to Hifumi's celebrity, founded upon fixed matches, baseless pride is what brings about Lucifer's fall. And also like Hifumi, who is known for her looks as much as her prowess at Shogi, Lucifer was described as being intensely beautiful.

It is interesting to note that Satanael, Joker's ultimate persona from the Fool Arcana, shares many similarities in appearance with Lucifer's model, possibly hinting that the two Personas are two sides of the same coin.

Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal are available now for the PlayStation 4.

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