The Dynasty Warriors spinoffs have become popular over the years since the first one was released on PS2 back in 2004. With recent news that Samurai Warriors 5 will be coming to PCs and consoles at the end of July this year, all ears are pinned firmly to the ground waiting to hear what publisher Koei Tecmo will say next.
Luckily, fans don't have to wait long as the company has just announced their second livestream in anticipation of the new game. The stream will go ahead on March 24th at 9pm Japan time, and will feature gameplay footage of Samurai Warriors 5 along with new character announcements, and some additional goodies as well.
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The livestream will be happening over on YouTube which viewers can access via the attached video below. It was also confirmed recently that Samurai Warriors 5 will be coming to Switch, which is bound to be good news for Nintendo fans, which is fast becoming the console of choice for musou games.
While more of the story will be announced during the livestream this month, what is understood about the plot for Samurai Warriors 5 so far is it will focus on the relationship between Nobunaga and bitter rival Mitsuhide Akechi, with high action drama like so many historical epic RPG games. Whatever the stream will reveal, fans don't have to wait long until they know more about the game and the bonus material. Who knows, maybe they'll consider a third livestream after this to tide people over until the game is released.
Samurai Warriors 5 releases on July 27 for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.
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