Monday, 10 October 2022 01:00

Rings of Power: Who Is Galadriel's Husband?

Written by Alice Rose Dodds
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Is Celeborn really gone, like Rings of Power suggests?

So far, Rings of Power has hinted at many mysteries, and left several of the big questions fans have held from the beginning unanswered. One such curiosity is that of Celeborn, Galadriel’s husband. According toTolkien’s books, he was already married to the protagonist of the Amazon series throughout the Second Age of Middle Earth, but was yet to be referenced in the show — until now. During Galadriel and Theo’s heartfelt conversation in episode seven, she finally gives some hint towards the possible fate of Celeborn. So who is this curious elf, and could he really have died in the war as Rings of Power seems to suggest?

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