As of right now, it seems that Square Enix has no plans for Bravely Default 2 DLC. That doesn't mean it won't happen. If there is enough feedback, perhaps there will be enough of a reason for the company to add some DLC. That said, the game is already set up for additional content, so it would be weird if Square Enix and Claytechworks weren't already cooking something up.
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To avoid spoilers, there is a late-game mechanic included in the game that would make it easy for the party to travel to new lands. Therefore, let's take a look at some easy things Square Enix could do to help answer some questions or add some good collaborations for hungry players waiting for some more Bravely Default 2 adventures.
10 Exploring The Outer Oceans

Queen Aileen reveals that the Outer Oceans connect with different worlds. This means that it is entirely possible that DLC for this game could bring in other franchises. Seth and the crew could be meeting other Bravely Default characters or even other Square Enix adjacent series like Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts.
The final picture of the game does show them all sailing so if DLC gets added, chances are it will relate to sailing in some form.
9 Seth’s Origins

Where Seth comes from is never really explained in the game. By the end, it seems like things hint at Seth either coming from another world or that he was created via the Crystals in order to be their champion. Those are two possible theories at least. It would be nice to get some closure via some prequel DLC that shows everything leading up to Seth's sailing mishap.
8 The Attack On Musa

All players get to see of Musa is the destroyed ruins. Gloria was saved by Sir Sloan but were they really the only survivors? How could Adam take control of the city so easily when the Musa citizens had all four Crystals?
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Even with an army of Asterisk users, it should have been harder for Adam to achieve this feat, although it’s never really known how much of a militarized presence this nation had. Some prequel DLC could help solve some riddles.
7 Adelle And Edna

One thing left up in the air is the fate of Edna. Was she really destroyed along with the Night’s Nexus? What’s more, why did Edna even want to take out her frustration on the humans? There must be more to the story; perhaps she got hurt by a human or something similar. Edna's true past along with Adelle going after her would make for some interesting DLC.
6 Elvis And The Institute

Some time spent in Wiswald would also make for some good DLC stories. It doesn’t just have to focus on Elvis. It could also dive deeper into who Roddy, Lily, Emma, and Galahad really are along with showing some more connections with Lady Emma. As a wizarding city, there are loads of adventures these characters could get into. It seems like a natural fit for this game’s DLC.
5 The Previous Heroes Of Light

Besides doing prequel DLC for the new Heroes of Light, the game could also dive back further. In particular, what was going on fifty years prior to this game’s events?
How were the adventures of Godric, Emma, Sloan, and Aileen up to the point of the Night’s Nexus’ defeat? That could be an easy way to reuse most of the map too for a quick turnaround on content.
4 Dream Adventures

Just as easily as DLC could venture into other worlds via sailing, this game could also delve deeper into dreams. The side quest "In Dreams" has Seth and friends literally jump into someone’s dream. This leads to the party acquiring the Salve-Maker Job.
If they get more Dreamsnoozer potions, couldn’t they also dive into more dreams?
3 The Adventures Of Martha And Gwilym

There are two characters also capable of traveling to new worlds via flight: Martha and Gwilym. Gwilym was injured when he rescued the party from Adam’s Airship. That is the last time Martha and Gwilym are seen, at least relevant to the main story.
As a dragon, it shouldn’t be hard to imagine Gwilym healing and then taking Martha on some adventures in his region of Rimedhal or beyond. That is the hope for this game at least.
2 Anihal: Pokemon Master

The Beastmaster Job is basically like a Pokemon Trainer class. Players can capture monsters, once weakened, and then use them once in battle like a skill.
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The party acquires this Job from Anihal who already has a natural talent for befriending monsters. Since this is a Nintendo exclusive, what if she gets thrown into a Pokemon region? That may seem like a big wish but one never knows.
1 The Night Nexus’ True Identity

Who exactly was the human inside the Night’s Nexus? It’s revealed that the greed of humanity corrupted this person into this cloud of darkness but why? And how many years ago was this?
While this seems like a typical villain being evil for the sake of being evil, it would be interesting if the story was more nuanced than that and a DLC actually showed what transpired.
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