Monday, 18 January 2021 15:00

Demon’s Souls: Tips For Playing As A Soldier | Game Rant

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For those coming into the Demon's Souls franchise, the Soldier is a good way to go. However, it's unwise to rush into things without a few pointers.

The remake of Demon's Souls has garnered universal praise across the board. Its intricate recreation of a classic title, from the graphics to the music to the combat, has impressed players to no end. Bluepoint Games had already cut their teeth on various remasters and their revered remake of Shadow of the Colossus, and they've now gifted gamers with a great reason for Dark Souls fans to own a PlayStation 5.

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More central to their success, though, is their faithfulness to the deep RPG elements inherent in the Souls series. The customization options are expansive, with numerous character classes to suit one's unique playstyle. For those coming into the Souls franchise, the Soldier is a good way to go. However, it's unwise to rush into things without a few pointers beforehand, especially with a game this hard.

10 Enchant The Weapon

The Soldier class doesn't place much emphasis on Magic. As the name and stats would suggest, it's primarily intended for melee combat. However, that does not mean that players should ignore magic altogether. If anything, the focus on physical attacks should encourage the use of certain spells.

Enchanting weapons, for instance, adds a slew of status effects to the Soldier's strikes, ensuring that their hits are harder and more fatal. This provides a worthwhile incentive to invest in some sorcery while maintaining one's forte as a physical fighter.

9 Don't Be Afraid To Take A Few Hits

The Soldier class is a fitting way to introduce newcomers to the Souls games. Not only is combat more direct with this build, but it's able to take more abuse from enemies. The vitality and Endurance stats are preset to be higher than the others. If players continue increasing these attributes, then they'll have a much tougher warrior on their hands.

Because of that, players don't have to worry about getting hit as much as they do with other classes. Soldiers can take more of a beating. Strikes that would prove fatal to other builds are reparable injuries for this one. Gamers should still exercise some caution in combat. However, taking damage is not the end of the world.

8 Keep The Shield Up During Exploration

From Software games have a nasty habit of surprising people with cheap shots. Enemies will often hide behind objects, pop out from around a corner, or fly in from nowhere for a sneak attack. Players will be traversing the hauntingly beautiful world when they suddenly lose a chunk of health to a mook that they couldn't even see.

Soldiers can decrease the damage they receive by staying alert. Having a shield at the ready throughout the journey won't prevent these surprise attacks, but at least it will give a greater chance of survival until players' reflexes adapt.

7 Block, Don't Dodge

Unlike some of the other classes, the Soldier is built to be slow and durable. Dodging is not quite as useful, and the shield is there for a reason. Gamers specializing in this class should learn to use it to minimize enemy damage. Since they have more Vitality and Endurance to spare, they can also practice parrying and timing their counters to maximize their own damage. Like with any tool, there's an art to wielding a shield.

6 Don't Abandon Ranged Attacks

Soldiers can indeed take more punishment than other classes, they're not invincible. Barreling toward a huge enemy and getting right in its face is still a stupid move. Some creatures are better dispatched from a distance. In fact, that makes some bosses a cakewalk.

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This is why Soldiers should make ample use of spears, crossbows, or other ranged weapons in their journeys. When players aren't sure about an enemy, it pays to be cautious in their approach. It also helps when a monster's attack has a large area of effect. Soldiers already aren't as evasive as lighter classes, so better to not be in the immediate vicinity.

5 Providential Ring

This little band raises the chance of item discoveries. That may not sound as impressive as the other rings, but the stuff players discover includes healing items. In the absence of healing Magic, these curatives are the next best thing. The earlier this ring is equipped, the more medicine players have for boo-boos.

4 Don't Feel The Need To Balance Out All Stats

Certain stats are higher by default for the Soldier class. This might tempt players into focusing future boosts on other attributes. They could invest in categories like Intelligence and Magic to even out their traits and make for a more balanced character.

However, a jack of all trades could be a detriment in the long run. The point of character classes is to accommodate different playstyles. Each one is meant to excel at certain things. Intelligence and Magic, for example, should be reserved for Magicians. If players try to make their characters good at everything, then they'll excel at nothing. Plus, it could make them radically underpowered later in the game. That's a death sentence for this series.

3 Heavy Weapons And Armor

Certain equipment is more effective for those who are more adept at wielding it. Considering the Soldier's stats reflect his/her physical prowess, he/she can wear heavy armor and swing a claymore like a pro.

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Granted, these are not required. Players can customize their characters however they see fit. If they want a Soldier with light armor and a short sword, then they can do that with no penalty. Nevertheless, the heavy options carry much more damage and are ideal for powering through obstacles. That could suit beginners who are playing as the Soldier.

2 Get A Crossbow Or Lose The Bolts

Players may notice that each class comes with a list of starting items. For the Soldier, this includes 20 crossbow bolts. Sadly, such a weapon is not one of the starting pieces of equipment. The only weapons that a Soldier gets off the bat is a broadsword and a spear.

Practical players would acquire a crossbow to complement the ammunition. Alternatively, they could simply ditch the bolts. Better to not have any useless items crowding one's inventory. It's odd that the developers would throw in a half-measure toward ranged combat, but gamers must nevertheless decide what to do with the tools given to them.

1 Read Player Messages

Although structured guides do help, few parties are as knowledgeable about a game as the fan community. Not only is it made up of people who've experienced the game firsthand, but one can often pose a specific question and receive a plethora of different solutions.

Luckily, Demon's Souls incorporates its community into the world. Players can leave messages throughout the game in the form of cryptic texts. Sure, these can sometimes be immature or off-color jokes, but one never knows when a vital piece of advice might show up. If players know what's ahead, then they can gear their characters toward the challenge that awaits. Soldiers are included in this. Just because they can take more abuse doesn't mean that they're above a little help, which is why the most important to listen to other tips.

NEXT: Demon's Souls: 5 Reasons Why You Should Play The Remake (& 5 Ways The Original Is Better)

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