When one talks about some of the greatest games ever made, it's only a given that a ton of the names listed would be titles developed by Rockstar Studios. After all, the fact of the matter is that these developers have been at the helm of publishing some of the most iconic open-world games of all time that are full to the brim with a ton of detail that most people wouldn't even notice until they tried.
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Red Dead Redemption 2 is no exception to this, featuring perhaps the best story ever told in a Rockstar game coupled with a gorgeous open world that's absolutely jam-packed with encounters, missions, characters, and everything else along the same lines. The setting of Red Dead Redemption 2 is so immersive and detailed that one can't even fault fans for not realizing that the following ten secrets about the locations of this game had been starting them in the face all along.
10 The Player Can Talk To A Hidden Giant

Rockstar Games are no strangers to integrating supernatural elements in their games, and Red Dead Redemption 2 is no exception to this golden rule. For starters, players can interact with a hidden giant in the game near the Fairvale Shanty.
The player can only interact with said Giant if they've researched thirty different types of animals, with the giant skeleton outside the cave being the perfect icing on the cake for this encounter.
9 Opossums Play Dead If The Player Gets Too Close

The hunting in Red Dead Redemption 2 can prove to be quite an addictive endeavor... especially since there are so many ways that people can interact with the animals and understand how they behave.
One particularly awesome thing that people have noticed while hunting is that Opossums can play dead if the player gets too close, just like their real-life counterpart!
8 The Player Can Get Pickpocketed As Well

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a game where the player can rob pretty much anyone blind without even batting an eye... but the last thing the player should expect is getting off scot-free themselves as well.
This is something that players who've bumped into too many people in the game might've noticed — sometimes, players who get bumped into too many times can possibly have their pocket picked! While money isn't hard to come by, the idea of having your wallet lightened during a leisurely stroll can be positively irksome.
7 The Player Can Spot A UFO In New Hanover Around 2AM

Rockstar Games and UFOs is a bond that will probably never break, and these extraterrestrials make an appearance in Red Dead Redemption 2 as well.
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Go to a house placed north of Emerald Lake around 2AM, and Arthur will be bathed in a green light that's coming from a circular levitating ship right above the house... more commonly known as a UFO.
6 Ghostly Voices, Figures, And Even Trains Can Be Encountered In The Game

Supernatural events are quite the norm in Rockstar Games, and Red Dead Redemption 2 features its fair share of ghostly encounters as well. Players can find the wandering spirit of Agnes Dowd in Bluewater Marsh at night, and can also hear ghostly whispers at Roanoke Valley as well.
However, the most jarring encounter has to be the ghost train that can spawn around midnight in the middle of Scarlett Meadows. The train comes out of nowhere and can definitely spook players who weren't expecting such an event.
5 There's A Vampire That Can Be Discovered In Saint Denis

Of course, Red Dead Redemption 2 wouldn't shy away from including vampires in their games as well, with one particular bloodsucker being ripe for a memorable encounter near the cathedral of Saint Denis.
The player must collect five particular documents and head to the alley near the Saint Denis cathedral at midnight. Doing so will trigger this memorable encounter... although players should bask in the awe of this creature, since it can easily kill an unsuspecting player in a few blows.
4 A Witch's Hut Can Be Found Near Fort Wallace

Folklore is also something that Red Dead Redemption 2 has dabbled in, with a Witch's Hut being discoverable just northeast of Fort Wallace.
What makes this location all the more memorable is the fact that the player can actually interact with a bubbling cauldron in this hut, which will give them a prompt to drink. Doing so will lead to the player falling unconscious and waking up somewhere further down the map.
3 The Player Can Even Be Struck By Lightning

While riding through a thunderstorm might seem like an incredibly cinematic thing to do, the fact of the matter is that the risks that are associated with this action don't really make it a recommendable one.
We say this because unlucky players can actually be struck by lightning during their journey in a storm, which will lead to an instant game over. The chances of this happening are quite low... making it an occurrence that is equal parts awesome and unfortunate.
2 There's A Proper Ecosystem In The Game

As is the case with most parts of the game, the wildlife of Red Dead Redemption 2 has also been meticulously programmed to a T.
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This means that carnivores will actually go out of their way to attack their prey, regardless of whether the player gets involved in the proceedings or not. It's a neat little detail that shows the love and care that Rockstar has put into this world.
1 Houses And Train Tracks Are Constructed Over Time In The Game

At the start of the game, keen-eyed players will notice that a ton of train tracks and houses are still in the early stages of completion.
However, as the game progresses, these unfinished buildings and tracks will slowly take form and even start functioning, which certainly adds some weight to the work that players put into the story... even though most of them probably never even noticed these minor changes to the world of Red Dead Redemption 2.
NEXT: 10 Open-World Games That Are Actually Longer Than Red Dead Redemption 2