Tuesday, 10 January 2023 02:53

Bungie Making Surprise Changes To Destiny 2 Armor Mods, Weapon Focusing, and GM Nightfalls

Written by Kevin James Billings
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Bungie's next update will Destiny 2 looks to make ease of access easier for some players with armor builds, weapon farming, and endgame content.

As Bungie heads into the homestretch of year 5 for Destiny 2, it appears the studio is looking to help ease-of-access for some players with a new update bringing changes to armor mods, weapon focusing costs, and Grandmaster Nightfalls. The final season of content before the launch of Lightfall has seen Bungie tease some of the sandbox and quality-of-life changes set to come with the expansion, many of which the game's community has been waiting to see for a long time. The studio doesn't seem content on waiting for the final weeks of the season, though, and is getting a head start only two weeks into 2023.

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