Wednesday, 11 January 2023 20:00

Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro Season 2 Episode 1 Review - More Shenanigans Ensue

Written by Shakeal Kitchings
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Nagatoro gets right back to teasing her senpai with greetings, tights, and sushi.

The first episode in season 2 of Don’t Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro starts with a new duo of romantic leads and seems like an entirely different rom-com altogether, only for the veil to be lifted and reveal that it was the manga Senpai was reading. Shame on the creators for teasing viewers with a funny manga they can’t get their hands on. Nagatoro bursts into the room and interrupts Senpai as he’s reading, but he’s quick enough to hide the book behind his back. She takes a seat and asks Senpai his opinion of her new loafers. Nagatoro sees the book behind Senpai’s back, and he excuses it with the age-old claim “I heard it was getting an anime adaptation, so I bought it out of curiosity.” Who hasn’t been there? Nagatoro doesn’t tease him for it but instead mentions how close she feels to the protagonist Ai-chan. She claims Senpai would get teary-eyed if he was teased like the character in the story, but he disagrees and says someone he knows teases him worse instead.

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