Saturday, 27 March 2021 17:18

Red Dead Redemption 2 Fan Finds Interesting Detail About How Arthur and John Aim

Written by Richard Warren
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Yet another easy to miss detail has been found within Red Dead Redemption 2, with a fan discovering a difference between Arthur and John’s aim.

Calling Red Dead Redemption 2 a detailed game is an understatement, as players have been finding new secrets and hidden touches over two years after release. The latest Red Dead Redemption 2 discovery is particularly fun, as it spotlights a difference in aiming styles between Arthur Morgan and John Marston.

There is no shortage of differences between Red Dead Redemption 2’s playable characters. From the way that John and Arthur meet their ends to their relationships with other members of the gang, they are two vastly different outlaws. The two boast unique personalities as well, with Arthur consistently showing that he is far more experienced throughout the game’s narrative. While story moments make this clear, there is one subtle way that Rockstar shows the difference between John and Arthur’s skills.

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Redditor Desyeeforlife showed off two photos, one depicting Arthur and the other showing John. In both photos, the characters are aiming a repeater, with clear close-ups of the two characters’ faces provided. In Arthur’s image, he can clearly be seen with both of his eyes open while aiming the repeater. In John’s photo, the opposite happens. Clearly squinting as he aims the weapon, John has one eye closed — something that most people would likely do while aiming a gun of any kind.

Though it is possible that Rockstar simply forgot to make Arthur Morgan close one of his eyes while aiming, much like how John Marston can swim if thrown into water, this seems unlikely. After all, players control Arthur for most of the story, while John only makes an appearance in the epilogue and post-game exploration. As such, Arthur should have every bit of detail that John has, meaning that the decision to have him keep his eyes open was likely intentional. As pointed out by Redditor jposey96, this would make sense as well.

Responding to another comment from a confused Redditor asking why Arthur would keep both eyes open, jposey96 confirms that this is a good tactic. Though it is difficult and takes some practice to get used to, aiming with both eyes can provide more peripheral vision in gunfights. Further, it can reduce eye strain if aiming for long periods of time, making it a big help to anyone committing crimes in the Wild West. Possibly taught to Arthur by his father figure Dutch, this touch proves that one of the game’s protagonists is a bit more skilled than the other in the act of aiming.

While it is a bit surprising that Arthur would not poke fun at John for being unable to do this during their conversations, it is an interesting detail nonetheless. While not game-changing by any means, this is yet another detail that helps Red Dead Redemption 2’s cast of characters feel more realistic.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

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