Friday, 10 March 2023 01:37

How Destiny 2's The Witch Queen Foreshadowed A Lightfall's Root of Nightmare Raid Encounter

Written by Andrea Trama
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Destiny 2's new Root of Nightmare Raid features an encounter that Bungie had first hinted at twice in The Witch Queen expansion.

Much like it did with Vow of the Disciple last year, Bungie released a new Raid for Destiny 2 that ties in with the events of the new expansion's story campaign. Lightfall's Root of Nightmare was a highly anticipated piece of content for several reasons, starting with the fact that players were left with more questions than answers at the end of the campaign, and Raids tend to bridge the gap with an additional cutscene and lore books. Destiny 2 is also known for teasing future content way ahead of time, and while that might mean that more clues were left in Root of Nightmare, its very existence was foreshadowed all the way back in The Witch Queen.

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