Saturday, 18 March 2023 15:15

The Sims 4 Growing Together: Everything You Need To Know About Stay Overs

Written by Elara Leclair
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Stay Over is an added activity that allows Sims to stay over at other lots overnight, and this is all players need to know about the activity.

The Sims 4: Growing Together expansion pack focuses on creating a more engaging and immersive gameplay experience by introducing various new interactions and features. One of the key additions to the game is the inclusion of unique social events like Baby Shower, Family Reunion, and Slumber Party. Another interesting feature is the Stay Over, which allows visiting Sims to stay for extended periods of time on a Sim's home lot. This is similar to the "Invite to Hangout" feature, but with added opportunities to participate in various activities and stay overnight for an extended amount of time.

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