Sunday, 02 April 2023 21:00

Grand Theft Auto 6 Can Turn the Tables On Its Iconic Namesake

Written by Devin Ellis Friend
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Grand Theft Auto has always prominently included vehicle mechanics, but Grand Theft Auto 6 may have a chance to give them a more important role.

Cars have always played an important role in the Grand Theft Auto series, but Grand Theft Auto 6 could give them a more vital part to play outside traditional boundaries. Stealing and driving cars are signature aspects of Grand Theft Auto's gameplay, being the most efficient way to get around and being required for many missions - the idea is so important, it's right in the title. Yet Grand Theft Auto 6 has an opportunity to make cars important for more than simply being stolen, driven, and wrecked across the city. There is still a whole dimension of automotive possibilities that the series has yet to explore.

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