Friday, 28 April 2023 14:00

EA's Single-Player Redemption Story is a Surprise, but a Welcome One

Written by Christopher Castellaw
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EA's renewed focus on quality single-player experiences marks a long-awaited turnabout for a publisher that once famously declared the genre dead.

After years of focusing on multiplayer and live-service titles, industry titan EA looks to once again be turning its focus to delivering solid single-player experiences. The overwhelming success of recent EA single-player games like the Dead Space remake surely play a role in that decision, but the renewed focus on solo experiences may also be a response to gamers who’d grown frustrated with the publisher’s years-long campaign to include a multiplayer component in nearly every release. Although some gamers may have been skeptical when EA called single-player titles “really, really, important” last year, the publisher looks, for now, to be staying true to its word.

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