Friday, 19 May 2023 00:00

Star Trek: The Jem'Hadar, Explained

Written by Kiona Delana Jones
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The Jem’Hadar may have been the scariest species in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, but they also had the saddest backstory in the franchise.

The Jem’Hadar were the loyal foot soldiers of the Dominion and genuinely one of the fiercest warriors in Star Trek, but how high was the price for their collective loyalty? During Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the United Federation of Planets and its allies went to war with the Dominion. It was long, bloody, grueling, and took the lives of many Starfleet officers as well as those who stood beside them. While the Changelings who founded the Dominion started the fight, they left the Vorta in charge. The latter then sent the Jem’Hadar to get their hands dirty.

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