Tuesday, 06 April 2021 17:10

Disco Elysium: The Final Cut - Every Drug & How They Work

Written by Emma Majoros
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Disco Elysium The Final cut has many illicit substances that offer positives and negatives that players should understand before using.

Disco Elysium is one of the top-rated games of 2020 and 2021. Fans are swooning over the emasculate design, graphics, and story of the game. Players can see the world through the eyes of a war veteran turned detective. Throughout the gameplay, they have to unfold the character's past, while solving a murder mystery along the way. What's unique about the game is the writing of the story and the detective's character. Using specific attributes and skills, players can play this game in many ways, with no one good path.

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Throughout the game, players will have the option to use all sorts of legal and illegal substances, and while they don't have to live with this opportunity, it's a legitimate choice nonetheless with negative and unique consequences. Yes, they're bad for the health of the character, and yes, players can go overboard and cause an agonizing death, which is not the best decision.

When not taking it to extreme lengths, Health and Morale can be restored, but players must tread lightly. Drugs are used as a way of pushing restrictions, and they act the same as in real life. In the game, players will find both legal (can be bought in the Frittte Kiosk), ad illegal substances, which will appear during exploration but only after having tried it at least once.

All drugs in the game act the same way as in real life, with mostly negative effects with some positives sprinkled on top to ensure addiction. In no way does the game encourage the use of these drugs, as players can easily play the game without using drugs, but for a more realistic character design and story, they're a constant option either to live with or deny.

One of the most often used recreational drugs in real life and in the world of Disco Elysium, nicotine will reward the character with one Intellect while drowning one Health. There are two major brands offered in the game. Astra cigarettes are beloved by fishermen, cops, and workers all over the world of Disco Elysium. It's known for its high tar content.

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Tioumoutiri Smokes have an image of a boy in a cylinder hat on the packaging, and they have a sweet smell. Both of these brands will have the same consequences, it's up to the player which one will be the character's favorite if he's a smoker. Cigarettes are the most common drugs in the game, sometimes it's one-time use isn't even avoidable. But the character's addiction is fully up to the player.

This drug will add one Psyche and take away one Health and one Endurance from the character. It can be found at Bird's Nest Roy after passing the White Electro-Chemistry check and is an anti-radiation drug. It's basically a purple liquid in a small jar-like container that can bring on anything from small hot-flashes to full-on military-grade psychosis.

After developing a higher tolerance, it can make any weather feel "balmy". These anti-radiation drugs were a beloved pastime for soviet hippies and punk-rockers. In the game, its effects can be "healed" by Nosaphed and Drouamine. After the detective slurps up the purple liquid, its effects linger for up to an hour in the game, so if players don't want to enjoy the bliss that is Pyrholidon for too long, they should keep some antidotes handy.

Another drug people are familiar with, alcohol in Disco Elysium comes in many brands. In general, alcohol of any type adds a Physique and takes away one Morale (and one Volition). Its effects can be healed with Magnesium and Hypnogamma. There are four different brands. The Pale Aged Vodka comes in a ship-shaped bottle, so it looks very cool despite the fact that it will slowly obliterate the detective's liver.

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Potent Pilsner according to the label is made by Lafayette Potent Brewery, and quoting the game, tastes like piss. Not that anyone would know what that tastes like, but nevertheless, it's one of those alcohols that can be avoided if possible. Commodore Red is a cheap sugary wine made of sugar, artificial taste enhancers, and maybe a vague memory of grapes if it's lucky. Lastly, Goracy's Brew comes in a thermos and contains borscht spiked with Moonshine. One of the detective's favorites for sure.

Amphetamine - or Speed - adds one Motorics and drowns one Morale (and one Volition). Just like alcohol, its effects can be healed by Magnesium and Hypnogamma. Players can obtain it after passing Cuno's Empathy check, from Klaasje's medicine cabinet. "Lonesome Long Way Home" makes this drug add a Psyche as well.

Speed has two different brands in the game, the first being the Speed Bottle. This convenient little medical bottle has a straw hanging out, to make substance abuse even easier, making it speed-on-the-go. The second brand is Saint-Batiste 'PREPTIDE!'. This comes in a small orange medicine container, which shouts the brand's name 'PREPTIDE!' so players can't misplace the bottle.

NEXT: 10 Best Detective Games, According To Metacritic

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