Tuesday, 30 May 2023 19:25

2023 is Ironically a Big Year for the Far Cry Franchise

Written by Cameron Swan
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Far Cry used to be a major series, and though it probably won't get a new game this year, that makes 2023 quite a big year for the franchise.

Debuting in 2004, the Far Cry franchise is almost 20 years old, and it's seen better days. Though it might not hold up too well today, the first Far Cry was an impressive title for its era, boasting a primitive open-world and some excellent CryEngine graphics. Far Cry 2 was a great follow-up, establishing a lot of the groundwork that the rest of the franchise would continue to build upon for the next 15 years. The franchise really hit the big time with Far Cry 3, widely considered to be one of the greatest open-world games of all time.

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