Wednesday, 07 April 2021 20:45

Rainbow Six Siege: How Do You Lean | Game Rant

Written by Payton Lott
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Leaning is a huge part of Siege's gameplay. Figuring out how will improve your game drastically.

Rainbow Six Siege is notorious for one mechanic, the lean peek. Other fps games have tried to introduce the movement, but with varied results. Love it or hate it, the lean is a vital aspect of competitive gameplay in Siege. Allowing players to peek around corners adds an extra layer of tactics and positioning that is missing in most first person titles.

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Players looking to improve their rank will need to learn how and when to use the peek in competitive play. Like any other movement based mechanic, it will take time to master. However, with the tips in this article, gamers will have a better understanding of how to peek effectively.

The quick peek or lean is a combination of walking in one direction while leaning. Players will want to press he following keys to do a basic quick peek or lean.

  • Lean left: Q+A
  • Lean Right: E+D

Gamers can fool around with the settings in a private match to get a feel for each lean. Console players must be aiming down sight while performing the lean, as the movement will not work while aiming from the hip. It is a matter of preference, but most players will have more success if they do not hold down both of the lean keys while transitioning from one lean to the other. Gamers should pull their fingers off of the A or D key before pressing the opposite two lean keys. Trying to keep both keys held down while transitioning will be difficult for players with smaller hands or wider keyboards.

The more advanced version of the lean is peeking, re-centering, and peeking again. Players will commonly use the tactic to gather intel before a peek challenge. The basic lean is just too slow to use in higher ranked matches, so players will need to learn and master quick peeking. To perform the mechanic, players should use the key combinations outlined below.

  • Quick peek right: E+D (initial peek), E+A (re-center behind cover)
  • Quick peek left: Q+A, Q+D

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In game, players should be performing the combination seamlessly, which will take some practice. Gamers should find boxes, doorways, and corridors to develop the muscle memory needed to perform the maneuver consistently.  The key combinations will feel unnatural at first, but they will vastly improve gamers' skill levels in Siege.

Once players feel comfortable peeking in private matches, they should get online and experiment in competitive modes. Gamers will notice that few players use their initial peek to get a kill. Instead, the first peek is always used to scout.

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The quick peek can be performed so quickly, that opponents will have only a frame or two to lay down gunfire. If players know where the target is, they can re-peek and challenge. No player becomes a professional overnight. Gamers will need to put the time in to incorporate leans and quick leans into their gameplay.

Even beginner level players will want to use the peek when moving into a small confined space, such as a room. Gamers should approach from the side of the door and use the quick peek to scan the room, moving closer to the doorway with each peek. The tactic accomplishes two things. Players will be able to ensure there are no enemies in the room and they prevent exposing enough of their body to be killed.

After players have peeked once and identified an enemy, they should not re-peek in the same position. Instead, gamers can crouch while quick peeking the second time around. This will not be an easy maneuver to learn, but it will give players a massive advantage in gunfights. Gamers can mix in both regular and crouch peeks to keep opponents guessing. Opposing players will have a much more difficult time inflicting damage if they have to adjust their aim constantly. The key is to always re-peek at a different angle, or in a different location.

Windows provide players with a number of different ways to utilize the quick lean. For example, players can peek the sides of a window or lean one way while crouched below it. With just one single window, players have four to six different peek strategies at their disposal to confuse opposing players. Gamers can add the more advanced bobbing tactics to their arsenal to become an ever harder target to hit.

Bobbing involves using the crouch button to move in and out of cover. Correctly using the tactic will allow players to identify enemies while only exposing their head. Professional players will combine bobbing with lean peeks and strafing to move and peek like a ninja. The most useful bobbing technique includes side to side strafing to prevent enemies from pre-aiming and pre-firing.

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