Friday, 02 June 2023 22:15

Diablo 4's Barbarian Lacks A Piece of the Puzzle to Repeat Diablo 2's Success

Written by Andrea Trama
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Diablo 4's Barbarian is probably the best version of the class in the series, and yet it lacks a key component from Diablo 2's iteration.

Diablo 4's classes have received a fair amount of praise ever since the first beta, and even in the face of some balance changes that still need to happen, they are mostly a better and more successful spin on past iterations used by the series. For example, Diablo 4's Necromancer differs from past games in many ways, with its Book of the Dead class specialization making all the difference, even allowing players to have a free skill right off the bat and summon up to four skeletons. There are differences between Diablo 4's version of each class and their past entries, of course, and what is arguably the most blatant one comes from the Barbarian losing Find Item compared to Diablo 2.

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