Saturday, 03 June 2023 23:35

Diablo 4 Turns a Rarely-Used Feature Into a Gold Mine

Written by Andrea Trama
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Diablo 4's visceral Action RPG gameplay can be quite fun and rewarding on its own, but there's one feature that achieves the same result effortlessly.

Despite only being out in early access for a few days, Diablo 4 is already the talk of the gaming industry for a plethora of reasons, from its great marketing strategy to how important betas can be for a successful launch. The core gameplay loop is simultaneously quite different from what the series has known for all this time and something new entirely, with Diablo 4's classes being all quite unique and fulfilling specific power fantasies. Yet, there is a game-changing feature that the game capitalizes on that should be talked about more, and it has to do with the way Diablo 4 uses in-game emotes.

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