
News (182844)

Saturday, 15 May 2021 15:00

Marvel Needs More R-Rated Comedies | Game Rant

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Marvel took a risk in changing their wholesome format when creating 'Deadpool,' but making more R-rated comedies could be the best thing for the MCU.
Mass Effect: Legendary Edition gives players choices between updated and legacy mechanics to play with, showing why player choice matters.
A Call of Duty: Warzone map exploit has cheaters using the prison to become unstoppable, seeing and shooting everyone above from under the map.
While the PS Plus' free games for May 2021 are great in their own right, one of them seems like a signal of more to come next month.
Saturday, 15 May 2021 14:01

Nier Replicant: 10 Best Nier Quotes | Game Rant

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When Nier Replicant's protagonist speaks, it is important to listen. Here are Nier's best quotes from Square Enix and Yoko Taro's game.
The Captain America spinoff flew higher than WandaVision and came close to matching The Mandalorian's success, even before its finale.
The DC Universe can be quite distanced from itself at times, but Harley Quinn might be the secret weapon that brings it all together.
A recent screenshot from a source shows the possible specifications for the upcoming AMD Radeon RX 6600 and 6600XT graphics cards.