
News (181434)

The Umbrella Corporation is a center point of the Resident Evil universe. Here are some secrets you need to know about the company.
The Monster Hunter Rise demo gave fans a chance to try the game before its official release in March, and the Longsword was the dominant weapon.
Electronic Arts files a patent for a new context-driven communication method in its games that could spell the end of toxic online lobbies.
Saturday, 06 February 2021 22:02

Valheim: How to Summon All Bosses | Game Rant

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For adventurous Valheim players looking for an extra challenge, here are all the ways to summon the bosses in the different biomes.
The Disney Trilogy tried to create a new Imperial-esque villain out of General Hux. They failed.
Beat Saber, 2018's intense rhythm game, reaches an impressive sales milestone despite its age, showing signs of continued growth from here on out.
The Sims, the PC classic that started it all, was loaded with tons of easter eggs and references that were easy to miss.
Dragon Ball characters have plenty of awesome moves they use in battle. But for some reason, they don't often use these great ones often enough.