
News (181222)

Ndemic Creations continues its good gestures around COVID-19, as Plague Inc.'s 'The Cure' DLC is free until the pandemic is under control.
Until Dawn is filled with tough choices. Some impact the story more than other, and these are some of the worst you can make.
Enchanting is key to really getting the most out of your equipment in Skyrim — these are the most important things you need to know about it.
The students at Hogwarts are a diverse bunch, especially when it comes to their personalities. Which one are you more like?
Microsoft Flight Simulator is looking to improve its representation of France, Belgium, and other countries with an upcoming update.
The Child's Play franchise has spanned eight movies, making Chucky an iconic horror character. We look at each film to see which has the best reviews.
Battling against Basim can be difficult in Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Here's a look at how you can conquer the fight against him.
Jordan Peele altered his original ending after Get Out's test screening audiences responded poorly to it.