Monday, 31 May 2021 17:59

Pokemon GO: Galarian Ponyta Limited Research Tasks and Rewards (June 2021)

Written by William Parks
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There is new Limited Research in Pokemon GO, and it will be of interest to players that want to catch a Shiny Galarian Ponyta.

Last week, Pokemon GO developer Niantic confirmed that it was not possible for players to encounter a Shiny Galarian Ponyta between the dates of May 18 and May 24. While that issue has since been resolved, the developer is looking to make up for it by giving fans a couple of opportunities to catch this Psychic-type Pokemon. Those opportunities manifest in the form of some Limited Research, and this guide will detail all of its tasks and rewards.

To note, Pokemon GO's Galarian Ponyta Limited Research will only be available for one week, and it will disappear on June 8 at 10am local time. While that should be plenty of time to complete the tasks, as they are all quite simple, fans that have been trying to secure a Shiny Galarian Ponyta should not put the Research off for too long. Even if a player does not care about that Pokemon in particular, it may still be worth tackling the tasks, as there are other rewards available.

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  • Transfer 5 Pokemon (10 Poke Balls)
  • Catch 5 Pokemon (1,000 XP)
  • Make 5 Nice Throws (1,000 Stardust)

Rewards: Ponyta Encounter, 1,000 Stardust, 1,000 XP

  • Claim Reward (15 Poke Balls)
  • Claim Reward (1,500 XP)
  • Claim Reward (1,500 Stardust)

Rewards: Ponyta Encounter, 1 Incense, 1,500 XP

While there is no guarantee that either of the two encounters that are offered as rewards will be with a Galarian Ponyta in Shiny form, some players will assuredly walk away from the Limited Research with one. For those fans that are not so lucky, it is indicated that the Pokemon is currently appearing more often in PoGO's 7KM Eggs. This will be the case for as long as the Limited Research is available, and players may want to get busy hatching their Eggs now.

Of course, catching a Shiny Galarian Ponyta is not the only thing that fans can currently focus their attention on, as there are several other new offerings in the game. For instance, Regirock, Regice, and Registeel have just arrived in five-star raids, and indeed Shiny forms of all of them are available. If a fan is not interested in battling the Legendary Titans, they can also look forward to this weekend, as Pokemon GO's Gible Community Day will take place on Sunday, June 6.

Additionally, another new event, which is dubbed A Very Slow Discovery, will begin next Tuesday, June 8. As the name suggests, this event will focus around Slowpoke, and it will add Galarian Slowpoke, Galarian Slowbro, and Mega Slowbro to the game. It will also feature a new Collection Challenge that is sure to keep PoGO players busy for quite some time.

Pokemon GO is available on Android and iOS.

MORE: Pokemon GO: All Missing Mega Evolutions So Far

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