Monday, 31 May 2021 16:31

Boy Sells Pokemon Cards to Pay for Puppy's Surgery, Gets Gift from The Pokemon Company

Written by Anthony Puleo
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A young boy sells his collection of Pokemon cards in order to pay for his dog's surgery, and this act of kindness didn't go unnoticed by Pokemon.

There's an old saying that no news is good news, but a recent story proves that this isn't the case. When Virginia resident Bryson Kliemann's new puppy fell ill, the internet was enraptured by his decision to sell his collection of Pokemon cards in order to raise money for its treatment. What followed was an astounding story of the gaming community coming together and raising over $5,000 to help pay for the puppy's surgery. Heartwarming stories like this come around every so often, but this one just got even better thanks to the kind actions of The Pokemon Company.

Fans of Pokemon trading cards will no doubt already know that some of them can be worth a lot of money. It's unclear whether or not any of Bryson's cards would fetch a good price, but just the thought of him selling something important to him to help his puppy out is enough to warm the hearts of most.

RELATED: Video Shows Scalpers Stampeding Through Walmart To Get Pokemon Cards

In response to Bryson's selflessness, The Pokemon Company sent a letter with a surprise gift inside. The appreciation letter sent to Bryson read “Hey Bryson, we were so inspired by your story about selling your cards for your dog’s recovery, these are some cards to help you replace the ones you had to sell.” Along with this, he also received a pack full of rare Pokemon cards that one would normally have to spend a lot of money to acquire. Needless to say, Bryson was thrilled by this development, and onlookers feel the story has come to its intended conclusion.

Thanks to the funds raised by sympathetic people around the world, Bryson's puppy was able to make a full recovery. The two have since been reunited and Bryson reports spending a lot more time with his puppy now than he did before. What's more, the excess money that was raised is being put to work helping provide care for other animals in the area, so Bryson's actions caused more good than just saving his own puppy.

Pokemon cards are in short supply at the moment, with scalpers buying them off the shelves of stores and card sales being removed from stores like Target. It's nice to see that Bryson and his parents won't have to deal with any of this when trying to refill his stock of Pokemon cards. Instead, Bryson is now the proud owner of several rare cards, and these will no doubt help him down the line as they continue to grow in value.

MORE: Walmart is Not Suspending the Sale of Pokemon Cards

Source: WSLS News

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