Monday, 22 February 2021 13:29

Pokemon GO Introducing Therian Formes Soon | Game Rant

Written by Sam Woodrick
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Niantic announces the Therian formes for Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus are coming to Pokemon GO for players to encounter and attempt to catch.

2021 has already introduced plenty of new things for players in Pokemon GO with it still being relatively early in the year. This new content will be continuing with the alternate forms for Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus being released in March.

While Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus have already been available in Pokemon GO, players previously could only obtain them in their Incarnate Formes. With the upcoming Season of Legends event starting on March 1st however, players will be able to catch these Pokemon in their Therian Formes.

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The alternate forms of the Pokemon trio known as the Forces of Nature function in a similar way to the Origin and Altered Formes of Giratina. While the different forms share the same typing, they will likely have different possible movesets and base stats.

Even though players will get the ability to catch these Pokemon with the Season of Legends event starting on March 1st, 2021, they will still need to defeat them in a raid battle first. With all three being legendary raid bosses, they will not be easy for players to take down by themselves. Because of this, players will need the support of other nearby players or players using remote raid passes to participate.

Therian Tornadus mostly abandons its humanoid appearance from its Incarnate Forme to instead appear in a more bird-like state. It is a pure Flying-type Pokemon, making it weak to Ice, Rock, and Electric-type moves. Tornadus in all of its forms also resists Fighting, Grass, Bug, and Ground-type moves.

Next is Therian Thundurus, which keeps its humanoid looks while also changing up its stance to still appear different from its Incarnate Forme. This Pokemon is a dual Electric and Flying-type making it only weak to Ice and Rock-type moves. Therian Thundurus also holds a massive amount of resistances with it resisting Ground, Fighting, Steel, Grass, Bug, and Flying-type moves.

Finally, players can also encounter Therian Landorus. The biggest change between Landorus's Therian and Incarnate Formes is Landorus becoming a lion-like quadrupedal Pokemon in its Therian Forme with its Incarnate Forme being far more humanoid. This Pokemon is a dual Ground and Flying-type Pokemon, which also gives it a very few amount of weaknesses. These weaknesses are Ice and Water-type moves. Therian Landorus also resists Electric, Fighting, Bug, Poison, and Ground-type moves from attacking Pokemon.

When going up against these Pokemon in future raids, it is important for players to keep their weaknesses in mind. This will help players take these bosses down before the timer runs out on the raid battle.

Pokemon GO is out now for iOS and Android mobile devices.

MORE: Pokemon GO: Can You Get Shiny Camerupt?

Source: Siliconera

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