Monday, 01 March 2021 00:09

Pokemon GO: How to Get Wurmple & Evolve It | Game Rant

Written by Sam Woodrick
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Wurmple is a special little Bug-type Pokemon in Pokemon GO that is capable of two different evolutionary paths- here's how to get one and evolve it.

Pokemon GO is filled with a variety of unique Pokemon with their own types, movesets, and methods of evolving. In rare cases, some Pokemon have the ability to evolve into different Pokemon depending on their scenario. One of these Pokemon is Wurmple.

Wurmple is a pure Bug-type Pokemon that is generally unremarkable stat-wise in Pokemon GO. Howeverm it has won the hearts of many with its cuteness and its ability to evolve into either Silicoon or Cascoon.

RELATED: Pokemon GO Complete Guide for General Tips, Tricks, & Strategies

With the Season of Legends event, Wurmple is among the Pokemon with increased spawn rates all across the world. Because of this, the current event is a perfect time for players to catch some Wurmple and evolve them.

Wurmple isn't the only Pokemon among the increased spawn rates for the current event. Because of this, players may want to increase their overall spawn rates for Pokemon with either incense or lures to increase the odds of finding Wurmple. Players can also narrow the increased spawns down to only Bug, Grass, and Poison-type Pokemon by instead using a Mossy Lure instead of a normal lure. Lucky players may even encounter a shiny Wurmple, which is purple instead of red.

After catching a Wurmple, players will only need twelve Wurmple candies to evolve it into either Silicoon or Cascoon. However, there is no way to choose what Wurmple will evolve into. There is no trick, and variables such as Wurmple's gender, the time of day, and player location do not affect what Wurmple will evolve into. Players may need to evolve quite a few Wurmple before getting both Silicoon and Cascoon.

If players get a Silicoon, their Pokemon will be able to evolve into Beautifly with 50 more Wurmple candies. Cascoon meanwhile can evolve into Dustox by also using 50 more Wurmple candies. Because of this, it is recommended for players to use Pinap Berries while catching Wurmple.

Beautifly is a dual Bug and Flying-type Pokemon, making it weak to Rock, Fire, Flying, Ice, and Electric-type moves. It however resists damage from Bug, Fighting, Grass, and Ground-type moves. The best moveset a Beautifly can know for the most possible DPS has Infestation for its fast move and Bug Buzz for its charge move.

Dustox is a dual Bug and Poison-type Pokemon meaning that it is weak to Fire, Flying, Rock, and Psychic-type moves. This Pokemon meanwhile resists Bug, Poison, Fairy, Fighting, and Grass-type moves. Dustox's best moveset has it knowing Confusion for its fast move and Sludge Bomb for its charge move.

Pokemon GO is available now on mobile devices.

MORE: Pokemon GO Complete Guide for General Tips, Tricks, & Strategies

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