Monday, 01 March 2021 00:08

Pokemon GO: Best Great League Teams (March 2021) | Game Rant

Written by Sam Woodrick
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With the Great League's restrictions, there are some Pokemon that are topping the Great League in Pokemon GO that can't do so anywhere else.

The competitive community for Pokemon GO remains ever-popular, with the Great League soon being available for players wanting to participate. Players are able to bring along any Pokemon with a CP of 1,500 or lower that isn't mega evolved to fight against other trainers' teams.

Due to the CP limits, the usual Pokemon seen in unrestricted Pokemon GO PVP aren't often seen in the Great League. This means that players will need to bring Pokemon that have good stats at these lower CP levels.

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With the last run of the Great League, the most popular and successful teams have been recorded. Players wanting to reach the top may want to either copy these successful teams or create teams to specifically counter these leading teams.

In addition to having a good lineup of Pokemon for the Great League, it is also important for the Pokemon on the team to have good movesets. Because of this, the best movesets for the listed Pokemon will also be shown so that players can have access to the highest amount of DPS possible.

The top teams from the last Great League were:

  • Azumarill, Galarian Stunfisk, and Shiftry
  • Galarian Stunfisk, Meganium, and Skarmory
  • Skarmory, Azumarill, and Shadow Machamp
  • Alolan Marowak, Skarmory, and Whiscash
  • Galvantula, Azumarill, and Alolan Marowak
  • Altaria, Galarian Stunfisk, and Azumarill

One of the most common Pokemon among these teams is Azumarill, which is a dual Water and Fairy-type Pokemon. It is weak to Poison, Electric, and Grass-type moves while also resisting Bug, Fighting, Water, Ice, Dark, Fire, and Dragon-type moves. If players aren't using one for the Great League, they can guarantee that they will still see one on the field eventually. Azumarill's best moveset has it knowing Bubble for its fast move and Play Rough for its Charge Move.

Another common Pokemon seen in the Great League is Galarian Stunfisk. It is a dual Ground and Steel-type Pokemon making it weak to Fire, Water, Ground, and Fighting-type moves. Galarian Stunfisk however resists Dragon, Psychic, Normal, Steel, Bug, Flying, Fairy, Electric, Rock, and Poison-type moves. Its best moveset has it knowing Metal Claw as a fast move and Earthquake for a charge move.

The rest of the best movesets for the listed Pokemon are as follows:

  • Shiftry - Snarl and Leaf Blade
  • Meganium - Vine Whip and Frenzy Plant
  • Skarmory - Steel Wing and Brave Bird
  • Shadow Machamp - Counter and Dynamic Punch
  • Alolan Marowak - Fire Spin and Shadow Ball
  • Whiscash - Water Gun and Mud Bomb
  • Galvantula - Fury Cutter and Discharge
  • Altaria - Dragon Breath and Sky Attack

With new Pokemon being steadily added into Pokemon GO as well as new moves, the meta for the Great League and the rest of Pokemon GO's PVP is always changing. Even if players don't have any of the listed Pokemon, it is still possible to use other Pokemon to take down tough opponents.

Pokemon GO is available on Android and iOS.

MORE: Pokemon GO: A Thousand-Year Slumber Special Research Tasks and Rewards (2021)


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