With hype building to New Pokemon Snap's release in just a few short months, Nintendo continues to reveal small details to give fans a taste of what's to come. While there's a lot of new innovations, including a new region and new Pokemon from the 20-plus year gap between Pokemon Snap installments, Nintendo is bringing some old mechanics back.
For instance, the photo grading system in New Pokemon Snap will be similar to its predecessor, considering the pose of Pokemon and other factors. The core gameplay loop, unlocking new areas by snapping satisfying photos, also remains largely unchanged.
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On Tuesday, Nintendo took to Twitter to reveal that, like in the original Pokemon Snap, players will be able to utilize fruit to get Pokemon to stay put for pictures. More specifically, a new in-universe fruit called Fluffruit, which strongly resembles the fruit from the original game, will be added to the player's photo-taking arsenal at some point.

Fluffruit's existence in the game isn't necessarily a surprise. Fans expected that there would be a mechanic in place to help distract photo shy Pokemon from the glistening camera. Fluffruit has even made brief appearances in trailers for the game, though its name wasn't confirmed before Tuesday.
The idea behind Fluffruit is great, but its introduction into the Pokemon canon is... weird. As previously mentioned, Fluffruit bears a striking resemblance to the fruit in the original Snap, which was referred to as Pokemon Food (Apple). Fluffruit has the same coloration, shape, and stem as an apple.
In fact, apples already exist in the Pokemon universe. Sweet Apple Curry is available as a food type in Sword and Shield, its main ingredient being a Fancy Apple. There's a Pokemon named Applin in Sword and Shield that can be evolved into a stronger apple-related Pokemon via either a Sweet Apple or a Tart Apple.

Especially in recent iterations, Pokemon's naming system has been pretty obvious, with the name giving an indication as to what the item or Pokemon at hand is. For instance, Rattata is, well, a rat. But the Fluffruit isn't fluffy. It is a fruit, that bears a striking likeness to an apple.
Maybe none of that matters. Nintendo said that Fluffruit is a "tasty fruit" specifically found in Lental, the region that's being introduced in New Pokemon Snap, so Fluffruit could just be Lental's variation of an apple. At the end of the day, no matter what it's called, or what it really is, its function will be an integral part to success in New Pokemon Snap, particularly with those extremely rare (and skittish) Pokemon.
New Pokemon Snap releases on Nintendo Switch on April 30, 2021.
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