In a recent interview with Game Rant, Dragon Ball Demon Breaker's RedabCho teases a new personal project and when fans can expect to hear more.
Each of the eight regions in the core Pokemon games has its own unique history, Pokemon, and source of inspiration to discover.
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 announces a free trial through the Xbox Store leading up to its next-generation console release this month.
The announcement of the Animal Crossing: New Horizons Sanrio collaboration has fans wondering what possible collaborations could happen next.
Dragon Age Inquisition has players meeting, assembling, and leading a wide range of characters and personalities. Which one are you, based on zodiac?
Hidden Path Entertainment teases a new AAA Dungeons and Dragons game that will be coming sometime in the future for fans of the franchise.
As players challenge the various members of Team GO Rocket in Pokemon GO, they will eventually have to face its one and only boss: Giovanni.
Following the recent announcement of a next-gen VR headset, Sony is content with how its community of players have reacted to the news.
Activision Blizzard hires Frances F. Townsend, counterterrorism expert for the George W. Bush administration, as an EVP for corporate affairs.
Unlike the rest of the Avengers crew, Spider-Man is a neighborhood superhero, growing as both a person and a hero in his home city of New York.