Apex Legends

Apex Legends (115)

Fuse, Apex Legends' newest addition to the roster, is a master of explosions, and one player's video clip shows just how good his abilities can be.
Two Apex Legends developers confirm Respawn Entertainment is testing changes to Lifeline's 'frustrating' passive and 'underwhelming' ultimate.
Apex Legends players planning on getting the game on their Nintendo Switch now have an idea of just how much space they need to clear out.
A developer from Respawn says that 120 FPS support in Apex Legends for the PS5 and Xbox Series consoles is a "high priority" for this year.
Saturday, 06 February 2021 18:29

Apex Legends Caustic Getting Nerfed in the Near Future

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After continued outcries for Caustic to be nerfed in Apex Legends, a developer from Respawn responds saying that a change may be coming soon.
An Apex Legends developer too to social media to once again discuss whether or not ranked duos is going to the game and the prognosis isn't great.
Apex Legends' lead game designer reveals one of Fuse's original Ultimates was essentially a nuke, but it was removed for being too powerful.
The developers at Respawn Entertainment are working on fixes for a character in Apex Legends who has not seen much use since her release.
As Apex Legends celebrates Season 8, Respawn Entertainment devs talk about the possibility of team deathmatch and other modes outside battle royale.
Prominent Apex Legends leaker and dataminer SWL reveals Bangalore's heirloom after going through the game's code following the Season 8 update.
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