Friday, 06 October 2023 10:00

Genshin Impact: How Do You Write The Excavation Report? (Hidden Achievement Guide)

Written by Aditi Jeyanathan
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Players who successfully explore the two Dunes in the Hypostyle Desert will be awarded with two Precious Chests and a Hidden Achievement.

When Version 3.1 of Genshin Impact released, players were introduced to the Hypostyle Desert and the many ancient secrets it held. This ginormous space of sandstorms and enemies is filled with the ancient tales of lost kings, failed trials, and locked treasures. And in front of every treasure is a lengthy puzzle for the travelers of Genshin Impact to solve. After unlocking the desert area, players exploring may happen upon two Dunes south of the Mausoleum of King Deshret: The Dune of Magma and The Dune of Elusion.

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