Friday, 25 June 2021 23:00

Which Nintendo Villain Are You Based On Your Zodiac | Game Rant

Written by Tanner Kinney
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It can be fun to see which Nintendo lord of villainy one matches up to based on the positioning of the stars.

Villains are often some of the most memorable characters in video games. A well-written or recognizable villain helps to elevate the experience of a game tremendously. Although they aren't necessarily known for creating villains, Nintendo has helped to create iconic foes.

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Of course, not every Nintendo villain has an expressive personality. Sometimes, the best villain doesn't have distinct characterization. However, those that do express characters range in personalities, goals, and mentalities. There's enough variety that they even begin to represent the Zodiac signs and the traits associated with these signs.

12 Aquarius: Jin (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)

Jin is a sympathetic antagonist. In the distant past, Jin battled alongside Mythra to prevent the destruction of the world. However, his time bonded with Lora was precious, and tragedy broke his spirit. Jin's new purpose is to create a better world for Blades (the intelligent weapons of the XC2 cast) but his method is to destroy humankind. He's a humanitarian, but his attitude is directed toward a path of destruction.

Despite that, Jin is still a caring character. He's a free spirit of sorts, but he enjoys spending time with his companions as indicated by the Torna DLC campaign. He's a better listener than a speaker, and he isn't adaptable, but he's a patient person. His caring nature makes him fit to represent Aquarius.

11 Pisces: Lysandre (Pokemon X&Y)

The Pokemon series has the bulk of villains within Nintendo's catalog. Considering each title has at least one major antagonist, there's a wide variety of personalities. Each entry worked to make its main villain progressively more human and relatable despite their misdeeds. This is represented, somewhat, in Lysandre.

Lysandre is a brilliant inventor and scientist. He's a creative type, but one that prefers the partnership of Pokemon. He becomes fixated on preventing the cruel treatment of Pokemon that exists in the world. His method is, of course, to fire a doomsday weapon and wipe out humanity, including himself. He dreams of a world where Pokemon are free from harm, but goes to extremes. This compassion is representative of the Pisces.

10 Aries: Bowser (Super Mario)

Bowser is an iconic villain, although in terms of personality he's hardly that villainous. After all, Bowser can't really get invited to sporting events if he's constantly trying to destroy the planet. His more detailed characterization comes through the RPG spin-offs, but Bowser in the main series has his moments.

Bowser is shown to be less aggressive and more determined. He's a face-up antagonist, preferring to get his hands dirty when he needs to. He's also an effective leader, as shown by how revered he is by his troops in the Mario and Luigi games. Despite that, he's moody and short-tempered, which adds more to his charm. Bowser is a true Aries king.

9 Taurus: King Dedede (Kirby)

In the adorable Kirby series, the final bosses are often intergalactic horrors. They have little motivation other than destruction. By comparison, King Dedede is rather tame. Dedede is more of a rival than an outright villain in most appearances. He and Kirby are good friends, they just like to fight over cakes every now and then.

Dedede's personality is one that loves the finer things in life. Gourmet food, gourmet races, and maintaining a clean castle. He hires artists to create works of art and wears fresh outfits. However, he's a very static character, not willing to change his hobbies or his ways. When changes come around, Dedede is quick to try and hammer them back to the way they were. This stable, rooted lifestyle is representative of the Taurus.

8 Gemini: Chairman Rose (Pokemon Sword and Shield)

Pokemon Sword and Shield is a game loaded with vibrant characters. By comparison to the eccentric gym leaders and wholesome rivals, the main antagonist takes a back seat. Chairman Rose is the first person the player is introduced to in the world of Galar. He matches the style of antagonist that other Pokemon games have, but is admittedly rather bland.

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Rose is a gentle, excitable person. His focus is on creating renewable energy for the people of Galar. He's quick to absorbing ideas and applying them to his work. As a major businessman, he loves to work the crowds and speak to everyone, including making trips to small seaside cities. He'll talk with nearly anyone, although his busy schedule keeps him away from it. Despite that, when he needs to get serious, he gets deadly serious. This attitude vibes with the Gemini sign.

7 Cancer: N (Pokemon Black and White)

In Pokemon antagonists, N is a peak that the series likely won't be able to reach again. He's a fantastic character, introduced as a mysterious rival. A ferris wheel date reveals him as the leader of Team Plasma. His story is revealed to be one of tragedy, him serving as a puppet of Ghetsis's plan to control the world. His later appearances show a much happier if still closed-off, person.

N is a man of the natural world. He's a loyal rival and leader and is able to get people to his cause through his sympathetic words and deeds. He holds his suspicions over the protagonist, and even at times loses confidence in his own worldview. N is also rather anti-social in one-on-one scenarios, keeping his past and his internal monologues a mystery. N's intuitive and sentimental side is best representative of the Cancer.

6 Leo: Ghirahim (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)

When fans started to discuss their favorite aspects of Skyward Sword, one was the villain: Ghirahim. Lord Ghirahim is an eccentric, exaggerated villain. His goals are to revive a dark lord in Demise, but his movements are erratic and unpredictable. His biggest regret as a character is that, despite his perceived strength, he could not match the power of a boy in green tights.

Ghirahim, as a character, is ego-driven. He views himself as a cut-above those of Skyloft, and certainly above the likes of a lowly grunt like Link. He's a fan of theatrics, hyping himself and his plans up to be great evils. He demands to be treated like a great ruler. He's also rather creative in his actions and passionate about his destructive goals. Ghirahim is, unsurprisingly, representative of the Leo.

5 Virgo: Cyrus (Pokemon Diamond and Pearl)

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl were incredibly popular, but flawed games on release. The games made major progress in directing how characters in the series would be written. The characters weren't completely fleshed out, but the major players of Rowan, the rivals, and the villain got treated well. This includes Cyrus, who remains one of the best antagonists in the series.

Cyrus is a quiet, behind-the-scenes figure. He allows his admins to do most of the work for him, although he's willing to give a rousing speech when the situation calls for it. He's more focused on his research, particularly his love of history. Of course, he uses this knowledge to facilitate a plan to reshape the universe to his own viewpoints. He's a serious, analytical character, and fitting to represent the Virgo.

4 Libra: Lusamine (Pokemon Sun and Moon)

Sun and Moon offered a shift for the objectives of the Pokemon series and offered a greater focus on longer cutscenes. The focus of the game's biggest "twist," along with quite a bit of fan adoration, is Lusamine. The once-kind and caring mother of Lillie and Gladion, Lusamine is obsessed with preserving the beauty of the natural world. This obsession turns out to be her downfall.

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Lusamine is a character who loves nature for the harmony it represents. The balance of the natural ecosystem is important to the Aether Foundation's philosophy. She's diplomatic and fair but holds resentment about the past. She'd rather encase the world in ice than deal with its issues. This sort of behavior best vibes with the Libra.

3 Scorpio: Dark Pit (Kid Icarus: Uprising)

Dark Pit is the dark reflection of Pit created as a rival for the young angel. Dark Pit doesn't have as many limitations but also struggles with not being his own person. He's affectionately referred to as "Pittoo", although he's certainly not a fan of the name. He is more of an anti-hero than an outright villain, but that still applies.

Dark Pit is a stubborn character, but a character true to himself. He wants to be the person who is right in his conflict with Pit. However, he also is not favoring of dishonesty and deception, even the deception of his own creator. He eventually comes around to being an ally of Pit, despite his jealousy. He's driven to act, and his drive represents the Scorpio.

2 Sagittarius: Hades (Kid Icarus: Uprising)

As a villain, the version of Hades from Kid Icarus: Uprising is somewhat underrepresented. Fans love his wacky personality, mockery of everyone and everything, and his incessant banter. In some ways, he's an unrestrained version of Disney's Hades, and it's a beautiful sight.

Hades has a fantastic sense of humor. He's quick-witted, always first to a joke or punchline. He has little filter stopping him from speaking his mind; after all, why does the God of the Dead need to care? He uses and abuses his freedoms the moment they are given to him, and he isn't worried about the details. He's just a wild, exciting character, and one that represents the Sagittarius.

1 Capricorn: Ganondorf (The Legend of Zelda)

When trying to identify a specific identity for Ganondorf, it's hard to pin him down. He appears in many different forms, and he's a key Nintendo villain that doesn't find some sort of redemption. The few bits of Ganondorf's humanity that shine through are overshadowed by his deeds. He's a true, cataclysmic evil.

Despite that, its clear Ganondorf understands his status. He's got a focus on traditional aspects of Hyrule and the Gerudo people. His initial drive for power comes from his desire to help his people. He's a disciplined villain, great at managing his destructive forces. He's a serious figure, and his control is representative of the Capricorn.

Next: Kingdom Hearts: Which Organization XIII Member Are You, Based On Your Zodiac?

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