Many of all ages are excited for the upcoming Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl, coming this fall. This brawler-type platform fighting game pits characters from Nickelodeon's various cartoons throughout different generations against each other in battle. While only one trailer exists, showing a fraction of the playable characters and stages, fans are already speculating on what is yet to be shown.
Considering the sheer amount of shows that have premiered on Nickelodeon over the years, there is a lot to pull from when it comes to possible content for Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl. Stage-wise, there are additionally plenty of iconic Nick locations that can make for good places for a brawl.
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The following places are some of the most memorable locations that have appeared in the various Nicktoons and other shows that have appeared on Nickelodeon in the past. They have a lot of potential for being fun gameplay-wise if implemented with enough attention and care.

The Fairly Odd Parents is one of the longest-running shows on Nickelodeon, with it airing on the main channel from 2001 to 2016. 172 episodes were created and released, with 283 story segments in total. Despite this, no representation from this Nicktoon has been shown in the original announcement trailer for Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl.
Although many of episodes of The Fairly Odd Parents take place in the Turner household, Fairy World would likely serve as a much more interesting playable stage both visually and potentially mechanically. There could be fairies watching or possibly using magic to interfere with the fight at hand. The floors being made of clouds additionally could have mechanical effects on how players move around the stage.

ChalkZone is a Nicktoon created by Bill Burnett and Larry Huber that aired for four seasons, from 2002 to 2008. It followed a 10-year-old boy named Rudy Tabootie who had a piece of magic chalk. This chalk let him draw a portal that allowed him to enter the magic world known as the "Chalk Zone." Anything Rudy draws with the chalk in the Chalk Zone becomes real, with Rudy often needing to use this ability to get out of trouble.
Being one of the more obscure Nicktoons out there, it makes sense for it to not get as much attention for Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl. The Chalk Zone, however, holds a lot of potential for a stage to fight in, especially with its unique art style. It could function similar to how the Pictochat stage works in Super Smash Bros., with new things being constantly drawn in. While unlikely, it would be quite the treat to see.

While not a Nicktoon, the various game shows that have aired on Nickelodeon are a very important part of the television channel's history. What is often considered to be the most iconic of these game shows is Legends of the Hidden Temple. It was originally broadcasted from 1993 to 1995, with 120 episodes produced.
Although there were multiple rounds of challenges in Legends of the Hidden Temple, the most iconic round was the final one known as the Temple Run. This had contestants actually enter the temple and complete a series of tasks inside. Many of the rooms held various traps and puzzles for the child contestants to complete, with these rooms holding potential for a large stage in Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl.
The traps could be used to players' advantages against others, with the Temple Guards possibly serving as extra hazards. More dangerous areas, however, could hold great rewards for brave players willing to slip away for the risk. It additionally would be pretty neat to see the original set for the temple completed rendered in 3D for a video game.
Of course, there are so many more shows that have good stage potential, but truly anything can be made into a great stage if put in the hands of a capable level designer. Hopefully fans will be able to see more before the game's proper release.
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl will launch fall 2021 for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.