After releasing blockbuster movies like Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and Birds of Prey, a lot of superhero fans tend to overlook all that the DCEU’s Shazam! has to offer. Although it may not have stacked up as well against other DC Universe films in the box office, Shazam! stands out from traditional superhero films and utilizes unique subject matter to create a compelling masterpiece.
Shazam! is relatively simple in terms of hero vs. villain conflict, sticking with the customary routine of pitting the selfless good guy against the selfish bad guy. It's clear-cut and to the point, without any antihero subplots, major betrayals or shocking reveals. The straightforward approach Shazam! took to create Billy Batson’s origin story actually worked in favor of the film, because it made room for more character growth and emotional depth.
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Shazam! focuses on serious, real-life troubles that everyday people are forced to deal with, like growing up in the foster care system and struggling to fit in at school. Choosing kids to be the protagonists of the film is something that neither the MCU or the DCEU have really tackled before (with the exception of Marvel’s Spider-Man), but in doing so, Shazam! capitalized on the fact that becoming a hero is no easy feat.

Billy’s excitement and juvenile glee when learning how to use his powers are some of the things that make him truly relatable to fans by highlighting just how crazy it can be to get swept up in something that feels larger than life. His antics with Freddy were also on par with the behavior of a fourteen-year-old boy that can age himself up with nothing more than a word. Buying beer, sneaking into adults-only clubs and uploading videos on the internet showcases Billy’s true age, even though he looks like a thirty-year-old man when using his powers. This added an extra layer of relatability to the film and it’s hard to imagine any kid with the powers of Shazam not using their newfound abilities for some fun, in between training and battling evil monsters of course.

DCEU characters tend to get overshadowed by all the fantasy elements and heroism that is required to beat the bad guys. In a lot of cases, DC Universe heroes feel like untouchable gods that are heavily removed from the audience. It’s hard to connect with characters like Superman or Batman because they’ve been raised up on a pedestal that puts them far above everyone else. Billy’s desire to find his estranged mother, or Freddy’s hope that he can stop the school bullies from picking on him, makes the characters from Shazam! actually seem human, and it hits closer to home with viewers since the hero often finds himself in mundane situations that regular people struggle to deal with on a daily basis.
Taking the time to flush out the humanity of its characters was one of the best things Shazam! could have done, because it showcased the emotions of the young heroes, without distancing them from fans. In fact, most of the action-packed heroism that took place in the film was all a means to an end for Billy, because the most important part of his journey wasn’t defeating the evil Doctor Sivana. Billy’s powers helped him realize who his true family is, while giving him an opportunity to grow closer with his adoptive siblings. If Billy hadn’t taken on the responsibility of beating the seven deadly sins, he never would have found a friend in Freddy, a home with Rosa and Victor, or a group of people he can finally count on.

Most superhero movies don’t touch on how hard it can be for a young hero to simply be a kid when the world has forced them to grow up so fast. Shazam! stays very true to Billy’s age, even when he’s supposed to be an adult. Sharing his powers with his siblings to create what is now known as the "Shazamily" was a smart choice on the movie’s part because it showed audiences that carrying the burden of protecting innocent lives can be crushing, especially when you’re not even old enough to drive a car.
Once all of Billy’s siblings had aged up thanks to the powers bestowed upon him by the ancient wizard, the true meaning behind Shazam! was revealed - you can’t save the world without the help of people you care about. Even when the youngest member of the family, Darla, became an adult, she still held on to her youth by promising Santa she had behaved all year once she saved him from the monsters. The movie's charm comes from the fact that it’s one of the most realistic portrayals of superheroes to ever hit the big screen, and it also showed fans that even superheroes need help from time to time. Billy’s story proved that nobody is invincible, no matter how fast they can run or how strong they are, and that’s why Shazam! continues to be one of the best movies the DCEU has made thus far.
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