This list will not feature Shiny, Mega, or Primal variants – only the base forms. This list will also focus on Pokemon that are currently available. So Pokemon like Hoopa and Volcanion, while definitely powerful enough to make this list, will be omitted since they can no longer be encountered. Lastly, all stats given in an entry are the maximum values attainable for that Pokemon.
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Updated On July 21, 2021 by Jeff Drake: After some delays, Gen 6 of Pokémon GO was finally released in waves over the last year. A lot of the Pokemon in Gen 6 are not that battle-worthy; they will be caught by trainers then quickly forgotten about as they sit unused in storage. In addition to these average Pokemon are a handful of very powerful ones that are very much worth a roadtrip to hunt down. That said, there are still a lot of awesome Generation 6 Pokemon now present in Pokemon GO. Here's a look at some of the best currently available.
10 Barbaracle

Barbaracle is a Rock/Water-type Pokemon - this is a pretty rare type combination that gives it an interesting mix of resistances and possible movesets. In appearance, this Pokemon is quite bizarre. It is hard to describe, but basically, it is a couple of pieces of rocks with six appendages sticking out at odd angles and a head that resemble a fifth hand.
Barbaracle has a CP of 3025, an attack of 194, a defense of 205, and a stamina rating of 176. These are actually pretty goods stats. Unfortunately, Barbaracle's damage potential is far below the other Pokemon on this list. Its best moveset is Water Gun and Grass Knot; which has a DPS (damage-per-second) of 12.24.
9 Pangoro

As the name suggests, Pangoro is a Fighting/Dark-type Pokemon that resembles an upright panda bear. Never use this Pokemon against a Fairy-type, as it is super weak against Fairy-type moves. It is, however, a great choice when facing a Fighting and Flying Pokemon.
Pangoro has a CP of 3281, an attack of 226, a low defense of 146, and a stamina rating of 216. Snarl and Close Combat is its best moveset, with a DPS of 13.86. This Pokemon is held back by its defense and middling DPS. This is a great Pokemon for league matches.
8 Noivern

Noivern is a Dragon/Flying-type that looks like a demonic, bipedal bat. Like most of the Pokemon on the bottom half of this list, it is a strong combatant that any trainer should feel happy about catching. However, there's one thing that is holding it back from being top tier. Noivern has the problem of having a somewhat low defense rating. It doesn't help that it is weak against some popular Pokemon types - like Dragon and Fairy.
This Pokemon has a CP of 3125, an attack of 205, a defense of 175, and a stamina rating of 198. Noivern's best moveset is easily Air Slash and Draco Meteor; with a DPS of 14.30.
7 Pyroar

Pyroar is a Fire/Normal-type Pokemon that is in the middle of this list due to one factor - its low defense. Other than that, it's a very powerful combatant with a lot of resistance and few weaknesses.
This fire-cat has a CP of 3129, an attack of 221, a defense of 149, and a stamina rating of 200. Against Pokemon that it is not weak against, Pyroar is a dangerous opponent. Its best moveset is Fire Fang and Overheat with a DPS of 15.25. A moveset that you might try is Fire Fang and Solar Beam; this at least gives you a charge move that's strong against Pokemon types that Pyroar is weak against at a loss of only 0.24 DPS.
6 Clawitzer

Clawitzer is a Water-type Pokemon that looks like a tiny blue crab with a humongous claw that resembles a dragon's head. This is a very underestimated Pokemon that has great DPS potential and is only weak against Electric and Grass-type moves. On the other hand, it is strong against Fire, Steel, Ice, and Water-type moves.
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Clawitzer also has some respectable stats. Its CP is 3124, an attack of 221, a defense of 171, and a stamina rating of 174. If not for its defense and stamina, Clawitzer would be higher on this list. The best moveset for Clawitzer is Water Gun and Crabhammer (16.11 DPS), but Smackdown and Crabhammer is almost as good in the DPS department (15.78).
5 Chesnaught

Chesnaught is a Grass/Fighting-type Pokemon that resembles an armadillo. Since it resembles an animal with natural armor, you would expect it to be great on the defensive side. Although it has a decent defensive rating it's not that stout though. Chesnaught has a lot of weaknesses to other types - notably Fire, Psychic, Fairy, and Flying.
Chesnaught has a CP of 3340, an attack of 201, a defense of 204, and a stamina rating of 204; giving some great all-around stats. It does have a fair number of resistances, but the type of moves it's weak against are more used by players than those it's strong against. The movesets Vine Whip and Solar Beam, and Low Kick and Solar Beam are both equally good - with a DPS of 14.16.
4 Delphox

Delphox is a bipedal, fox-like Fire/Psychic-type Pokemon. This Pokemon has an assortment of powerful attacks in the main series of Pokemon games. Fortunately, Niantic didn't change this for Pokemon GO.
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This fire-fox has a CP of 3459, an attack of 230, a defense of 189, and a stamina rating of 181. In general, if a Pokemon's stats are all close to 200 then it is worth training. Delphox's best moveset is Fire Spin and Psychic; this moveset has a DPS of 16.35. This moveset gives Delphox a better DPS than the #1 entry on this list. One last thing to remember about this Pokemon - it has some great resistances, but also a larger than average list of weaknesses, as well.
3 Goodra

Goodra is a Dragon-type with excellent, well-balanced stats, and some great resistances. As a Dragon-type, it has resistances to some of the more common move types like Fire, Water, Electric, and Grass; however, it should never be used against an Ice or Fairy-type Pokemon.
Goodra has a CP of 3963, an attack of 220, a defense of 242, and a stamina of 207. Goodra has a varied selection of moves for you to choose from. Its best moveset is Dragon Breath and Power Whip; which has a DPS of 14.04. Water Gun and Draco Meteor has a DPS of 14.01 though - so take your pick.
2 Xerneas

Xerneas is a deer-like Fairy-type Pokemon that, like many Gen 6 Pokemon, has built up a reputation as a reliable dragon slayer. Gen 6's large assortment of strong Fairy-type Pokemon has knocked the Dragon-type Pokémon in GO down a peg or two. This is a great Pokemon for league matches.
Xerneas has an incredible CP of 4275, a phenomenal attack rating of 250, a defense of 185, and a healthy stamina rating of 246. Zen Headbutt and Giga Impact is Xerneas' best moveset with a DPS of 15.01 - by a wide margin. Giga Impact is arguably the best charge move in the game. Tackle is another good quick move, and the second-best charge move for Xerneas is Moonblast.
1 Yveltal

Yveltal is a Dark/Flying-type Pokemon that was immediately considered a top tier combatant when it was made available. Its weakness to Ice, Rock, Electric, and Fairy-type attacks is a hindrance, but Ground and Psychic-type attacks are super ineffective against Yveltal.
Yveltal has a CP of 4275, a great attack rating of 250, a defense of 185, and a stout stamina rating of 246. Dark Pulse and Sucker Punch is Yveltal's best moveset, with a DPS of 16.29. Snarl is another great quick move, but it is the same type as Dark Pulse (Dark). If you want some variety in your moveset, try substituting Sucker Punch with Hurricane it does a little less damage but grant more flexibility.