Wednesday, 21 July 2021 07:30

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD - How to Roll | Game Rant

Written by Jonathan Sayers
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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD is a remaster of a 10-year-old Wii game, so fans may need help mastering dated controls for things like rolling.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD is a remaster that improves upon the 10-year-old original in some big ways. Not only does Skyward Sword HD make an already beautiful game even more gorgeous, but it also improves the gameplay. The original Skyward Sword heavily emphasized the use of motion controls, but the new Switch release features standard control options as well. This guide will explain a critical gameplay feature - how to roll in Skyward Sword HD with both standard and motion controls.

While Skyward Sword HD has improved motion controls over the 2011 original, many fans will be eager to play the game in a more traditional way. Various tasks, ranging from rolling to combat, are possible with button or analog stick inputs. While some may argue that the definitive way to play Skyward Sword is with motion controls as originally designed, the Nintendo Switch version of the game is certainly a great way to experience the game in a way that's accessible to players of all kinds.

RELATED: Zelda: Skyward Sword Video Shows How New Controls Make Certain Things Way Easier

Learning how to roll in Skyward Sword is actually extremely necessary. Certain tasks require rolling in order to proceed with story events. For example, Link will have to roll into a tree during the Kikwi quest in Faron Woods. Rolling requires a different kind of input depending on whether the player is using standard controls or motion controls. Either way, rolling is performed while sprinting by holding the B button.

While sprinting, players will perform a roll when they flick the left Joy-Con. This is reminiscent of how rolling worked on the original Nintendo Wii version of Skyward Sword. It functions just like flicking the Wii Nunchuk to perform a roll. Players who prefer not to use these kinds of motion controls can instead switch to standard button controls.

While sprinting, players will perform a roll when they press the left analog stick. Similar to the L3/R3 buttons on a PlayStation controller, Switch controllers have the functionality to click the analog sticks for additional input possibilities. Players who consider this an awkward method for rolling may choose to switch back to motion controls.

As a remake of a 2011 Nintendo Wii title, Skyward Sword HD retains many quirks that were typical of games on that system. Players who are unfamiliar with the platform, or who are new to the Legend of  Zelda series, may benefit from consulting a Skyward Sword beginner's guide. With a little courage, anyone can complete the adventure and set Hyrule on the path towards many stories to come.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is available now on Wii and Nintendo Switch.

MORE: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD Complete Guide For Dungeons, Items & Collectibles

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