When exploring the recently added region of Inazuma, one of the first objectives for most Genshin Impact players will be to unlock the various teleporter waypoints and Statue of the Seven locations. While the majority of the waypoints scattered throughout Genshin Impact's Inazuma are easily accessible, one of the most difficult waypoints to unlock is the underwater teleporter north of Narukami Island.
To access the waypoint, players must first progress in the Konda village questline to the "Cleansing Defilement" world quest. At this point, players will be tasked with cleansing three sites throughout Narukami Island and will be given the Memento lens gadget.
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During the Cleansing Defilement quest, players must travel to the Araumi region, north of the Grand Narukami Shrine. At this location, players must equip an electro-element character, and activate the various electro-totems scattered throughout the area.

The first electro totem is found on a stone walkway north of the path leading to the area.

The second electro totem is found to the far north of the area and is guarded by several mechanical enemies.

The third totem is found to the west of the area and must be unlocked by completing an electro cube puzzle. To complete the puzzle, players must have all the purple icons facing the direction of the totem.

The fourth and final totem is found underneath the large sakura tree in the center of the area. Once players have successfully activated all four of the totems they can now interact with the stone cube in order to access the underground dungeon. Players must then glide down inside the stone tower next to the Sakura tree.

Inside the tower, players will find several fox statues that they must scan with the memento lens. Once each of the fox statues has been scanned with the memento lens, the statues will transform into three panels on the sides of the tower. Interact with each of the panels for the floor to open.

Once inside the underground dungeon players will eventually reach the cleansing site with the large Tori gate. To the left of the cleansing site, players will find a small room with an additional electro cube puzzle.

After solving the puzzle, a small hole in the ground will be opened to the player. Jump inside the hole, and swim down the large flooded corridor before reaching a staircase.

At the top of the staircase, players will find one final electro cube puzzle. After solving this puzzle and interacting with the cube, players will be able to drain the water in the area.

Once the water has been drained, Genshin Impact players will be able to access a circular door in the large room to the north. Head through the door and proceed through the long corridor.

Players will eventually reach a large room with the teleporter waypoint that they can now unlock. From this location, players can now easily access the Perpetual Mechanical Array boss without having to use the Jinren Island portal.
Genshin Impact is available for Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5, with a Switch version in development.