My Hero Academia is a raging phenomenon, easily establishing itself as one of the most popular manga of all time and serving up a fresh outlook into the overpopulated superhero genre. It's the ingenious use of the various Quirks in My Hero Academia coupled with a stellar storyline and characters that have helped this series distinguish itself from the rest of the pack and amass a massive following all over the world.
Related: My Hero Academia: Every Way Vigilantes Connects To The Main Series
Reddit is one such platform where discussions about My Hero Academia have been extremely active. Through this, some truly controversial takes have been shared that can stir up the hearts of any fan of the series.
Warning: Potential Spoilers Ahead!
10 Even Trying To Argue That My Hero Academia Is Underrated

The fact that My Hero Academia is one of the most popular anime of all time is something that everyone believes. However, there's one Redditor who's an exception to this.
Redditor u/Spatterx23 posted a video on the My Hero Academia subreddit about how the series was actually underrated! Suffice to say, pretty much no level-headed person in the subreddit agreed with his opinion.
9 Stating That Bakugo Was Never A Bully... When He Clearly Was

Bakugo is one of the most popular and beloved characters in My Hero Academia. So, it was only a given that he would be a focal point of some of the worst opinions on r/BokuNoHeroAcademia.
One such hot take stated the fact that Bakugo was never a bully, which completely disregarded the multiple times when he bullied Midoriya in school. It's a ridiculous opinion and was understandably criticized by everyone on the subreddit.
8 Claiming That Bakugo Is Still A Bully

That being said, Bakugo has become less of a bully over time. His character has witnessed some surprising developments, with his fight against Midoriya being especially important when it came to humanizing his character.
Related: My Hero Academia: The Strongest Members Of The League Of Villains, Ranked According To Strength
So, to still state that Bakugo hasn't grown out of his bully phase is a stupid argument put forth on this post. Any fan of My Hero Academia has seen the strides Bakugo has taken as a character, and this short-sighted post ends up being nothing more than a waste of time.
7 Playing Down Bakugo's Chances Of Ever Being A Hero

The final bad take when it comes to Bakugo's character on the subreddit is that he's incapable of being a hero. If this was the Bakugo from the start of the series, then perhaps this argument could've had some weight.
However, over time, it's clear to everyone that Bakugo has his heart is in the right place — it's just the manner in which he sets about to achieve his goals that require some fine-tuning. So, to disregard this character outright and state that he's nothing more than a bully pretending to be a hero is an atrocious opinion to have.
6 Complaining About The Fact That Class 1-A Is Training

As the manga has progressed over time, this Redditor has pointed out the fact that the members of Class 1-A have done nothing but train over and over again. Any fan of the series can see why this is such a non-issue.
After all, it's impossible to give the characters of Class 1-A the spotlight over and over again. Sooner or later, they're bound to remain in the background, which implies that training all the time instead of being a part of the action is the most logical thing they can do. To take issue with this is rather odd, as a result.
5 Calling Midoriya's Character Boring

It's understandable as to why some people might not be into Midoriya's character. After all, most shonen protagonists seem to be cut from the same cloth with only the most minor differences.
However, Midoriya's character isn't boring either — he has his own personal struggles and motivations, with his flaws clearly stemming from a severe case of Impostor's Syndrome. To ignore this facet of his character and call him a boring character with no flaws is a very short-sighted opinion.
4 The Worst My Hero Academia Character Tier List Of All Time

Some Redditor had the gall to post a tier list of all the characters in Class 1-A, which is extremely painful to read. In fact, one can easily call it the worst character tier list ever made for any anime series.
The highlights — or, to be more specific, lowlights — of this list include placing both Mineta and Aoyama as the coolest characters in Class 1-A, placing Todoroki at an unflattering tier, and completely disregarding Tokoyama's presence in the anime.
3 Overhating Season 4 Of My Hero Academia

For the most part, most people have believed that the quality of My Hero Academia has improved with each successive season. However, there's one Redditor who seems to be the sole exception to this norm.
Related: My Hero Academia: The Strongest Villain Quirks, Ranked
According to this post, apparently each and every element of My Hero Academia's Season 4 — including the production, story, and character moments — are all worse off than the previous seasons. It's certainly one of the worst opinions on this subreddit by a country mile, given the fact that most people were completely content with the events of the fourth season.
2 Lamenting The Latest Developments In My Hero Academia

The recent developments in My Hero Academia have allowed Midoriya to come into a class of his own, with his One for All power now bringing with it the Quirks of all former One for All users. This has allowed for some of the best moments in the entire series, with Deku at the forefront of most of these instances.
However, some people aren't really enthused with these changes and have already started complaining about the recent changes in the manga without being patient enough to see how the series will evolve with these changes. If that wasn't bad enough, there are some fans of the subreddit who are...
1 The Final Chapters Of My Hero Academia Ruined The Entire Manga

There's no denying the fact that My Hero Academia is one of the greatest manga of all time, and a few bad chapters won't take away from the overall experience. However, there are some fans who believe otherwise, given the nature of this rather inflammatory post.
Saying that the latest arc of My Hero Academia has ruined the manga for good is akin to saying that the Fourth Shinobi World War arc completely destroyed Naruto's reputation — something that isn't even remotely the case. At the end of the day, this is just another reactionary take from a fan who clearly has some subjective criticisms that are incorrectly portrayed in an objective context.