Tuesday, 27 July 2021 06:25

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD: Where To Find All 27 Goddess Cubes

Written by Tom Bowen
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Finding every Goddess Cube and Goddess Chest in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD isn't easy, but the rewards are definitely worth the effort.

Goddess Cubes are a new addition to the Zelda franchise and play an important role when it comes to how players obtain items in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD. Finding one of these metallic cubes down on the surface world and then hitting it with a Skyward Strike will unlock a corresponding Goddess Chest back up in the sky, allowing players to get their hands on some incredibly useful treasure upon their return.

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The game features 27 Goddess Cubes in total, with each of the three main surface areas containing nine of them apiece. Some can only be reached once certain items have been acquired though, meaning that players won't be able to activate all of the cubes in one area on their first visit. As such, this guide will list every Goddess Cube in the order that players can get to them to make life a little easier.

Shortly after entering the Deep Woods area of Faron Woods, players will come to a section where they need to cross a tightrope to progress. Not long after, they'll stumble across their first Goddess Cube near Gorko the wandering Goron.

Activating this cube will unlock a Goddess Chest outside the main entrance to the Lumpy Pumpkin on Pumpkin Landing. Inside, players will find an Adventure Pouch Upgrade, which will increase the item capacity of Link's Adventure Pouch by one.

Straight after finding their first Goddess Cube, players will be able to activate another one at the end of the path that leads to Skyview Temple. It's on the edge of a cliff near where players drop down from the area above.

The corresponding Goddess Chest is on a small island south of Skyloft. If players zoom in, they'll see four islands that form a triangle shape and the chest is on the island that's second from the left. Inside the chest, players will find a Piece of Heart.

Once players have defeated Ghirahim in Skyview Temple, they'll find themselves in the Skyview Spring area. Before striking the crest with a Skyward Strike to progress the story, they should drop down into the water and activate the Goddess Cube behind it. If players miss it it's no big deal, as they can easily return to the area at any time.

After the cube has been activated, players will be able to open the Goddess Chest that's on top of the canopy above the entrance to the Lumpy Pumpkin. To reach it and get the Gold Rupee inside, they'll need to either land directly on the canopy or make their way down there from the top of the building.

When players first drop into the Eldin Volcano region for the first time, they'll be able to find a Goddess Cube by jumping down one of the first ledges that they come to on their left. It's incredibly close to the start of the area and quite easy to spot from the main path, so is therefore quite difficult to miss.

Activating this cube will allow players to open up a Goddess Chest on a small island to the west of Fun Fun Island; the green circular island that's west of Skyloft. The chest contains a Small Seed Satchel.

Shortly after learning how to use bombs for the first time in the Eldin Volcano region, players will come to a bird statue. After passing it, they'll then arrive at a crossroads, and heading straight here will lead to a Goddess Cube.

To find the corresponding Goddess Chest, players will need to make their way to a small island somewhere between Bamboo Island and Beedle's Island. The chest, which is on the upper part of the island, contains a Silver Rupee.

Near the beginning of the Eldin Volcano region, players will need to drop down into a mini volcano that has been infested with Bokoblins. There's a Goddess Cube on one of the giant stone pillars, which players can land on by guiding Link as he falls. If they miss, they'll be able to take another stab at it by running back round to the entrance of the volcano straight after they exit via the hot air geyser.

Before players can open the corresponding Goddess Chest, they'll first need to reactivate the Light Tower in Skyloft to gain access to the Thunderhead. They can then find the chest on the Isle of Songs on the grass to the right of the large stone building. It contains a Gold Rupee.

While facing the Earth Temple, players can take a left to reach a small alcove with a dig spot at the back. Digging this up will reveal a hot air geyser, and throwing a bomb into it will destroy a boulder high above. The newly accessible area at the top of the geyser contains a Goddess Cube.

The corresponding Goddess Chest is on Bamboo Island, which is the large island north of Skyloft. The chest, which contains a Gold Rupee, is behind the island's only building.

If players take a right while facing the Earth Temple, they'll come to a small Bokoblin village. After taking out all of the enemies, they should head straight through it and follow the small path down and to their right. Here, players will find a Goddess Cube opposite an inaccessible doorway on the other side of some lava.

Activating the cube allows players to open a Goddess Chest on a small island southeast of Beedle's Island. It's still quite far north though and is easy to spot due to it being the most easterly island in the game. To claim the Treasure Medal from the chest, players will need to land on the upper section of the island and then climb down the vines.

While searching for the five pieces of the Earth Temple key, players will need to slide down a steep slope that's accessed via the high-temperature chamber. If they position themselves to the left of the slope and then hit the hot air geyser, they'll find themselves on a small stone pillar with a dig spot in the center. Within jumping distance of this is another pillar, on which players will find a Goddess Cube.

Activating the cube will unlock a Goddess Chest containing a Piece of Heart in one of the buildings to the east of the Bazaar in Skyloft. Unfortunately, players will need to obtain the Water Dragon's Scale before they can get to it, as they'll need to swim through a tunnel in the big lake on the east side of the town.

Immediately after entering the Lanayru Mine via the gold pillar of light, players should head south to the area behind the stone platform where they first drop down into the mine. Here, they'll find a Goddess Cube between some piles of rocks.

The corresponding Goddess Chest is on the most easterly island in the sky not too far from Beedle's Island. Players will need to head to the lower section of the island and then use a bomb to blow up a destructible wall. Doing so will reveal a chest containing a Silver Rupee.

While navigating the sinking sand in the southwest portion of the Lanayru Desert, players will see a Goddess Cube on a small spit of solid land with a cactus on it. To reach it, they'll need to use the Hook Beetle to drop a bomb on the Ampilus and then run across and stand on its shell. After Link's stamina has refilled, they'll be able to make it over to the Goddess Cube.

Once it's been activated, players will be able to open the Goddess Chest on the outside section of the small volcano-shaped island just east of the golden pillar of Light that leads to the Lanayru Desert region. Inside the chest, they'll find a Heart Medal.

While facing the gates that lead to the Temple of Time, players can take a right to find an old minecart to the north of the map. Before they can ride in it though, they'll first need to use the Beetle to hit the Timeshift Stone that's on top of one of the nearby stone pillars. Next, they'll need to hop into the minecart until it stops moving and then use the Beetle to hit another Timeshift Stone on the lower part of the platform with the Goddess Cube on it. With the minecart now working again, they can hop back in and hit the cube with a Skyward Strike from inside the minecart as it passes.

After this cube has been activated, players will be able to open up a Goddess Chest on Beedle's Island, which is in the northeast corner of the map. The chest is on top of the giant stone pillar and contains a Piece of Heart.

After completing the Faron Woods Silent Realm and receiving the Water Dragon's Scale, players will be able to head inside the Great Tree via a tunnel beneath the water under the tree's southeast-facing root. After activating the bird statue at the top, players can jump down and land on the tree's west-facing root to find a Goddess Cube.

Activating the cube will unlock a Goddess Chest containing a Silver Rupee on a small island south of the Knight Academy on Skyloft. To reach it, players will need to jump from the nearby wooden diving platform and use either their analog stick or motion controls to glide their way over to the floating island.

While at the top of the Great Tree in Faron Woods, players can jump down to the tree's southeast-facing root, where they'll find a Goddess Cube. If they're having trouble landing in the right spot, players can wait until later when they have the Clawshot and use the nearby Clawshot target to easily reach the cube.

To find the corresponding Goddess Chest, players should head east from the golden pillar of light that leads to the Lanayru Desert region and look for an island shaped like a small volcano. The chest, which contains a Piece of Heart, is on a ledge inside the island, making it quite difficult to reach on the first try. Like the cube, it's a lot easier to get to the chest once players have the Clawshot, but it can be reached without it.

There's a viewing platform sticking out from the east side of the top of the Great Tree near where players find Yerbal, the hermit Kikwi. If they hang over the edge of this platform, they'll see another platform down beneath them with a Goddess Cube on it. Though it's possible to jump directly onto this platform, it's far easier to aim for the one to the right of it and then cross the tightrope to reach the cube.

After activating the cube, players will find the corresponding Goddess Chest on the Isle of Songs in the Thunderhead. While it's possible to glide to the chest, it's far easier to climb the vines on the side of the stone building instead. Once at the top, players will find that the chest contains a Rupee Medal.

As players make their way through Lake Floria to meet with the Water Dragon for the first time, they'll eventually come to a bird statue that's on dry land. When they do, they can turn around and follow the path back in the direction they just came from to find a Goddess Cube on the other side of a small bridge.

Activating this cube will unlock a Goddess Chest containing a Gold Rupee on one of the floating islands above Skyloft. To reach it, players will need to use the Clawshot to get on top of the giant floating platform with the waterfall and then jump off the northeast side of the island to the one down below.

In the northeast area of the Lanayru Desert, there's a path beneath the sinking sand that will lead players to a bombable wall. If they destroy it and keep going, they'll eventually come to a chest containing a Piece of Heart. There are also several Clawshot targets in this area, and following them will take players to a ledge with a Goddess Cube.

Once the cube has been activated, players will be able to open the Goddess Chest on the small island to the west of Beedle's Island, which just so happens to be the most northerly island outside of the Thunderhead. Players will need to swim under the water and through a tunnel and then use the spin dash to get out of the water on the other side. There, they'll find a chest containing a Heart Medal.

Not far from the southwestern side of the Lanayru Mining Facility dungeon, there's a wall with a Clawshot target on it. Grappling onto this target will allow players to climb on top of the wall, and there, they'll find a Goddess Cube.

Activating this cube unlocks a Goddess Chest on an island northwest of Fun Fun Island, due south of the Isle of Songs on the map. Upon their arrival, players should climb down the vines to reach an area down below, where they'll find a chest containing a Life Medal.

Near the entrance to the Lanayru Sand Sea, there are some boxes to the right of the pier where players first meet Skipper. There's a Clawshot target on the back of one of the boxes, and grappling onto it will allow players to access a small cave with a Goddess Cube and some Arachas inside.

The corresponding Goddess Chest is inside Skyloft's Bazaar in the storage area near Gondo's Scrap Shop. Upon opening it, players will receive a Gold Rupee.

While exploring Skipper's Retreat in the Lanayru Sandsea, players will come to a bridge with a Metal Shield Moblin on it. If they look around, they should be able to see a pillar with a Goddess Cube on it in the distance. By grappling onto the vines on the pillar between them and the one with the cube on it and then climbing around, players will be able to get to the pillar with the Cube by using their Clawshot.

Delivering a Skyward Strike to this cube unlocks one of the Goddess Chests on the island northwest of Fun Fun Island where players earlier found a Life Medal. This time though, they'll need to use their Clawshot to grapple onto the vines inside the gated off section and will then be able to open the chest to receive a Potion Medal.

Once players have made their way through the Pirate Stronghold area and the statue's mouth has opened, they should turn around and look for the Clawshot target directly above the door. Grappling onto it will allow players to get on top of the stronghold and following the stone path for five seconds or so will lead to a Goddess Cube.

Activating this cube will unlock the Goddess Chest on top of the large island with the waterfall that floats above the east side of Skyloft. To reach it, players will need to use the Clawshot to grapple onto the vines on the side of the smaller island near the Waterfall Cave. From there, players will be able to use the Clawshot to get onto the vines on the side of the larger island and can then help themselves to the Piece of Heart that's in the chest.

After obtaining the Clawshot, players can return to the area between the Water Dragon's domain and the entrance to the Ancient Cistern in Faron Woods and grapple onto some vines high above the entrance to the tunnel that leads back to the Water Dragon. Climbing these vines will take players to a ledge, on which they'll find a Goddess Cube.

Delivering a Skyward Strike to this cube will unlock a Goddess Chest on a small island that's floating directly beneath Fun Fun Island. Inside the chest, players will find a Gold Rupee.

With the Clawshot in their possession, players can get onto the platform above the entrance to Skyview Temple by grappling onto some vines in one of the archways to the right. Once up there, players will see a Goddess Cube in the center of the balcony area.

The corresponding Goddess Cube is on Beedle's Island, although reaching it is far easier at night. With this in mind, players should board Beedle's Flying Shop and then sleep in the bed until nighttime. When they wake up, they'll need to climb the ladder to reach the place where Beedle sleeps and can then open the chest to receive a Rupee Medal.

There's an outside area with a waterfall at the summit of Eldin Volcano, not too far from the entrance to the Fire Sanctuary. By jumping straight off the ledge opposite the waterfall, it's possible to maneuver Link around one of the giant stone pillars, at which point players should see a smaller pillar with a Goddess Cube on it down below them. It might take a few attempts, but it's possible to land on this pillar and activate the cube.

The corresponding Goddess Chest contains a Piece of Heart and can be found on Bug Island, which is on the west side of the Thunderhead. Players will need to land on the top of the island and then jump down from the southwest edge to reach the platform with the chest.

While facing the main entrance of the Fire Sanctuary, players can head inside the tower on the left and use their Clawshot to grapple onto some vines through the broken window in front of them. By using the vines and their Clawshot to travel from pillar to pillar, they'll eventually come to a platform with a Goddess Cube on it.

After delivering a Skyward Strike to the cube, players will be able to open the Goddess Chest that's on top of the large stone building on the Isle of Songs. Inside, they'll find a Small Bomb Bag.

There's a Goddess Cube on a small platform in the room that leads to the Fire Dragon's lair at the summit of the Eldin Volcano. Players won't be able to activate it on their first visit to the area, but when they return later on during the Song of the Hero questline, there'll be floating platforms in the lava that will allow players to hit the cube as they pass. If they have the True Master Sword, they'll actually be able to hit the cube with a Skyward Strike from dry land.

Activating this cube will allow players to open one of the two Goddess Chests on the small island to the southwest of the Isle of Songs. They'll need to tunnel underground using the Mogma Mitts after they land and then exit through the hole in the bottom right-hand corner. Upon surfacing, they'll find a chest containing an Empty Bottle.

After their first encounter with the Thunder Dragon in Lanayru Gorge, players will need to activate a Timeshift Stone in order to revert the dead Tree of Life back into seed form. If they head down into the area below the platform with the tree on it, they'll find a Goddess Cube in the grass over to their right.

Once this cube has been activated, players will be able to open the second Goddess Chest on the small island between the Isle of Songs and Bug Island. They'll again need to tunnel underground, but should this time emerge from the hole in the top right-hand corner instead. They'll then find themselves in a gated-off section with a chest containing a Small Quiver.

NEXT: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD Complete Guide For Dungeons, Items & Collectibles

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