Monday, 16 August 2021 12:35

Resident Evil Fan Shows Off Claire Redfield Cosplay | Game Rant

Written by Andrew Heaton
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A Resident Evil 2 fan uploads a series of photographs which shows them dressed as the game's iconic Claire Redfield, complete with red jacket.

As well as being one of the biggest horror franchises in the world, the Resident Evil series is also known for its memorable characters. In RE2 there's Leon Kennedy with his trademark haircut and police outfit, as well as Claire Redfield with her signature red biker jacket. Given that fans can now own Claire's famous jacket, it's probably not too surprising that some people are willing to cosplay as her, which is exactly what this one person has done.

Posting a series of images to the Resident Evil subreddit recently, user holdinholden has shown herself dressed in Redfield's garbs, including the jacket. The three images show her in different lighting and on different backgrounds, but always with the trademark look from the in-game character. The user even put her hair up in a ponytail and is seen holding a flashlight, adding to that sense of authenticity.

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Other commenters in the thread have been paying compliment to holdinholden, with some saying that she looks like a different Claire Redfield from a different era. She went on to say that she's done other Resident Evil cosplay outfits including Jill Valentine from RE3. She also told one user that she's currently "brainstorming" ideas for additional cosplays. As well telling another user that she was very proud of the lighting in the images, when another complimented the outfit on not being overtly "sexualized" she replied saying that she was intending to go for accuracy with the costume.

Unsurprisingly, this isn't the first time that someone has dressed as the red-jacketed horror heroine. Not that long ago, a fan dressed as Claire Redfield from Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles. The images posted showed the user, whose name is Enji Night, cosplaying in Claire's sleeveless jacket and shorts, while sporting a pistol and the character's satchel. Like holdinholden posting to Reddit, Night has said that this is not the first RE cosplay that they've done. It's understandable that fans will want to dress up as different characters, especially given how distinctive and well-known they are.

Claire Redfield is one of Resident Evil's best playable characters. She's been an important part of the franchise since she burst onto the scene in the original RE2 from 1998. Her being the sister to the first game's Chris Redfield ties her to the universe in a significant way. With her distinctive red jacket and can-do attitude, it's no wonder fans like holdinholden are keen to show off their own real life versions of the avatar.

Resident Evil 2 Remake is now available for the PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Resident Evil: Every Game That Features Leon Kennedy, and Every Game That Doesn't

Source: Reddit

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