Sunday, 05 September 2021 09:16

Destiny 2 Glitch Gives Hawkmoon Infinite Magic Bullet

Written by Anthony Taormina
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A new Destiny 2 glitch gives the Hawkmoon exotic hand cannon infinite shots for its high damage bullet.

Every new Destiny 2 season typically includes a few bugs and glitches that developer Bungie needs to iron out before the game can continue as normal. Some of those bugs/glitches benefit the player, while others can work against the player. And just a few of those glitches can turn Destiny 2 players into unstoppable machines.

The latest Destiny 2 glitch discovery gives the Hawkmoon exotic hand cannon infinite one-hit kill potential, under the right circumstances. For PvE, this glitch is a fun novelty but unlikely to do much to benefit players, but in PvP, it can do some serious damage.

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This particular Destiny 2 glitch requires two items to pull off. Players need the Hawkmoon exotic hand cannon, of course, and a pair of boots with the new hand cannon holster mod on them. From there, it’s only a matter of accruing maximum Paracausal Shots in the Hawkmoon.

Hawkmoon Exploit With Lucky Pants

Once players have hit the 7 headshots necessary to max out their Paracausal Shot buff, the final bullet in the Hawkmoon should be a one-hit kill regardless of if it’s a headshot or a body shot. Those that have the Hawkmoon catalyst will need to exhaust one bullet to get their final bullet ready.

Normally, the high-risk reward of the Hawkmoon allows for this one-hit kill potential, but then players need to work again in order to get that x7 buff back. This glitch allows them to maintain that “lucky” bullet for as long as they can stay alive.

After hitting a shot with the Paracausal Shot – whether it is at a target or not – the player must take out their Ghost and wait a few seconds. If the hand cannon holster mod is equipped, then a bullet should return to the Hawkmoon’s magazine – only this will be the buffed Paracausal Shot again. Hunters seem to be favored for this glitch because of the Lucky Pants exotic boots, which include an intrinsic hand cannon holster mod.

For as long as players can repeat this process of shooting the Hawkmoon’s high damage bullet, pulling out their ghost, and then firing again, they will have infinite one-hit kill potential. Obviously, that’s easier said than done in a tense PvP firefight, but under the right circumstances players will be able to do some serious damage in the Crucible. It doesn’t help that Iron Banner is active either, which usually increases the PvP population for a week.

The new holster mods were only introduced to Destiny 2 with the launch of the Season of the Lost, so players are only just learning how to use/exploit them. This might be the first of many glitches that use the mod type or this could be the worst of the bunch.

Coming out of the weekend, it’s likely that Bungie will address this Destiny 2 exploit in some fashion. Whether or not the developer can outright fix things quick enough will be the real test. In the meantime, it wouldn’t be surprising if Bungie disabled one of the involved mechanics – either Hawkmoon or the hand cannon holster mod.

Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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