Sunday, 12 September 2021 20:18

Life is Strange: True Colors - Choose Steph or Ryan as a Distraction?

Written by Jessica Orr
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Life is Strange: True Colors has many choices, and players can find out what happens if they pick Steph or Ryan as a distraction.

Life is Strange: True Colors continues the series' tradition of creating a story-heavy experience for players, with some of the narrative changing depending on what choices they make. As Steph and Ryan are potential love interests, it's good to know the consequences attached to picking one of them over the other.

Players will have to choose Steph or Ryan as a distraction to get Diane's USB in Chapter 3 of Life is Strange: True Colors. This is one of the game's major decisions, which means it can affect Alex's story in a significant way.

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Choose Steph or Ryan as a Distraction?

Even though Alex initially rejects the pairs' plan of using Steph or Ryan to ask Diane on a date, she eventually has to go with the idea. For story-related consequences, it doesn't matter which one players pick.

When Alex calls on whoever she chooses as the hotter distraction, there will be a slightly different scene between them and Diane, but both will succeed in distracting her. It's framed as a major decision to the immediate story, but it's actually just a way for players to indicate who they would like to romance.

As it has no relation to the main story, it doesn't matter who players pick as the distraction in Chapter 3 of Life is Strange: True Colors. However, it is important if players are trying to romance Steph or Ryan.

This isn't the only decision to indicate Alex's interest though, so don't worry if players have a change of heart in later chapters, as there are a few more opportunities and important decisions in Life is Strange: True Colors before the end. In the meantime, players should just pick whoever they like most at that moment.

Just like Life is Strange: Before the Storm, Life is Strange: True Colors does romance right. Both Ryan and Steph have rewarding scenes in later chapters, with neither option feeling like it's being forced. If players want to see how the other romance option's scenes differ from their chosen one, players can always repeat a chapter and see how things would have played out differently.

Life is Strange: True Colors is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and will release later for Switch.

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