Sunday, 26 September 2021 17:17

Kena: Bridge of Spirits - Forgotten Forest Spirit Mail Locations

Written by William Parks
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There are two pieces of Spirit Mail in Kena: Bridge of Spirits' Forgotten Forest, and this guide will help players find both of them.

There are a myraid of collectibles to track down in Kena: Bridge of Spirits’ Forgotten Forest, including two pieces of Spirit Mail. These items take the form of glowing sacks, and players that find and deliver them will gain access to even more collectibles. For those fans that may be having a bit of trouble locating either of the Forgotten Forest Spirit Mail in Kena: Bridge of Spirits, this guide is here to help.

Kena: Bridge of Spirits - Forgotten Forest Spirit Mail Locations

Spirit Mail 1

The first Spirit Mail can be accessed by way of the God Tree, which is positioned just east of the Water Shrine fast travel point. More specifically, Kena: Bridge of Spirits players should climb that tree until they reach the foliage-covered branch that overlooks the gate that leads to the Lantern Cave. From this position, fans should fire the Spirit Bow at the blue flower that is across from the branch and continue to climb after crossing the gap.

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This ascent will be quite brief, though, as there are only two ledges that Kena: Bridge of Spirits’ protagonist can grab onto on this smaller tree. Once she has hold of the second one, players should shimmy her all the way to the right and drop down to the platform that is just below. Indeed, it is on this platform where the first Spirit Mail is situated, and its distinctive glow should make it quite easy to spot.

Spirit Mail 2

For the second Spirit Mail, fans should head to the Water Shrine fast travel point and grab the Shrine’s Forest Tear with their Rot in Kena: Bridge of Spirits. They should then move the Rot behind and to the right of Kena and clear the corruption that is there in order to access a stone block. Players should now move this block to the wall right next to the fast travel point and jump up to access a new area.

After reaching this area, players should walk a few paces toward the tree-trunk bridge and then look up and to the left. Fans will see a blue flower in this position, which they should fire upon with the Spirit Bow. Players should now take a second shot while in midair to hit another flower that is on the right, and then do the exact same thing for one final flower that is on the left. Fans can then release their bow to drop down directly on top of the second Spirit Mail in Kena: Bridge of Spirits' Forgotten Forest.

Kena: Bridge of Spirits is available now for PC, PS4, and PS5.

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